(Part 11) Finally Louis

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@crypticfangirl -- tumblr, twitter


Louis had no recollection of anything that happened before, he was too exhausted and his back was aching so badly. He was expecting to wake up at the school clinic with it's over sterilized equipment and uncomfortable bed but was surprised when he noticed the unfamiliar environment. His heart started beating rather erratically at the thought of being in a foreign bed. He had no clue where he was or what he was doing here and he was panicking at the thought of getting kidnapped or taken by some stranger.

He scrambled to get out of the covers, he let out a pained shriek when his back was moved in an uncomfortable but ignored it because he had to leave right now.

The door was suddenly forced open and Louis closed his eyes thinking it would be an old man with a weird beard who had kidnapped him. He struggled to leave the bed but a hand had stopped him.

"Get away from me!" he shouted as he tried kicking the persons face but was stopped when the person hugged him from behind.

"Louis, Lou, calm down please." The person whispered to his ear, all calm and collected unlike Louis.

Louis had stopped struggling for a bit because why did he know his name, was he a stalker.

"Lou, open your eyes, it's me Harry."

After he had mentioned the name, Louis was quick to open his eyes and he came face to face with Harry, his face etched with worry.

"Harry!?" he gasped in surprise before relaxing in his hold.

Louis had also found out the Harry was shirtless and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. It wasn't his fault if his eyes started roaming down and he blushes bright red when his eyes landed into Harry's perfectly sculpted stomach and god, he knew Harry was fit but not where Louis can almost imagine himself licking Harry's abs.

Louis eyes widened when the thought crosses his mind, what was happening to him? Why was he having these thoughts about Harry! His best friend Harry!

"Lou! Are you ok, why is your face all red!" Harry asked, he seems to be panicking as well.

Louis coughed in embarrassment and removed Harry arm that was still wrapped around him. Everything was fine, maybe he was just a bit off after being too exhausted or maybe the pain killers that the nurse had given him had some side effect that causes you to hallucinate and start lusting over your best friend. Surely that was the reason behind it.

"I'm ok Harry, where am I and why am I here?" he asked instead.

He could never admit to Harry his previous thoughts, Harry might think something was terribly wrong with Louis.

"Oh, um well you were sent to the clinic for major bruising on your back and the nurse said that it would be best if you could rest at home and your parents needed to pick you up but they were busy so I had to take you instead." Harry explained.

"Oh." Louis muttered as he stared at the covers sadly. Of course his parents were busy and didn't even mind leaving work to make sure Louis was alright. It doesn't matter right; he should already be used to it because that's how things worked.

But wait, he wasn't home because this wasn't his bed.

"I'm not at home though." He said, forgetting about his parents because that would just depress him more and probably worry Harry as well.

"No, your house was locked and your neighbour refuses to give the keys to your house so I brought you at my place." Harry answered.

So he was at Harry's house, how strange. Harry never really brought him here because Louis' parents still does not trust him enough to spend some time with Harry He and Harry would either hang out in school or at places outside their homes.

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