(Part 15) Accepted

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@crypticfangirl -- tumblr, twitter, ao3


Louis' mom was screaming while his dad was angrily pacing. Harry had to tell the Louis' parents what had happened and they were in hysterics.

Louis' dad had already contacted the police and angrily cursed that the bastard be stuck in jail for good.

Harry actually felt pity to the poor police on the receiving end because Mr. Tomlinson wasn't even trying to filter all his colorful words and Harry had a hard time remembering if some of it were even legal.

At least it wasn't Mrs. Tomlinson who decided to speak, Harry was sure the poor lad would end up with a bleeding ear or deaf.

Harry's view of Louis' parents changed after seeing how furious they were, it seems they actually care for Louis' welfare and would do anything to keep him safe. They weren't just those types of parent who didn't care about their children and just obsessed about money or pressuring them to be successful.

And they haven't kicked Harry out of their house which was a plus; Mrs. Tomlinson even offered him some tea which he declined politely because he was still reeling from that kiss.

Louis seems ok, a little shaken up but he promised that he'll be fine. He just wanted to sleep and maybe miss school for a couple of days which was fine to his parents; they already called the school to notify them of the recent events.

Harry had to listen to Mrs. Tomlinson describe 50 ways to chop off that guys dick rather graphically and he had to wince a couple of times imagining it happening to his own.

Harry had faced and met numerous people who kill for a living but he was actually more scared of Louis' mum. Now he knows who to not piss off ever.

"I'm deeply sorry for this Harry, I'm just really angry." She apologizes after breathing hard to try and calm herself down.

"It's fine, I've heard worse things before."

Harry was obviously lying; he didn't want to offend her or anything. He still hasn't got over how Louis' mother knew about middle age torture devices like it was a normal thing.

"Oh right, I haven't apologize on the times I misjudged you. I am deeply sorry, it seems very unfair of me to judge you basely on your lifestyle and I clearly see that you care for my son deeply and I'm grateful for that."

"Uh.., it's no problem." Harry stammered as he tried so hard not to blush.

It was obvious that he wasn't used to this and Mrs. Tomlinson not slamming doors on his face is quite refreshing actually, he didn't exactly know how to react on that.

Before anything could get more awkward than it already is, Louis' dad barged into the kitchen with an angry frown etched all over his face.

"The police system still reeks, they asked us to go there and file a proper case or the guy would be released with just community service on his back, that son of a-."

Before he can continue with his angry ranting, for like the hundred time around, Mrs. Tomlinson was quick to cut him off with a displeased shake of her head.

"Ok dear, that's enough cursing for today dear, let me just get my things and we'll go. No way is he leaving those bars after what he did." She muttered angrily before leaving the kitchen to probably get her purse or something but she didn't take that long for Harry and the head of the Tomlinson to have a proper conversation.

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