(Part 18) You Dumb Idiot

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Louis felt the tears falling nonstop as he rushed to get to the principals office. He couldn't understand what in the world was Harry thinking. Why would he admit to a mistake that he wasn't even a part of.

"Stupid, stupid." he kept murmuring under his breath.

When he reached the principals door, he found it locked so he politely knocked and waited for the inevitable.

He wasn't sure what the right punishment was but he could only guess, suspension for a few days is taking it lightly and the worse could be getting kicked out. Louis doesn't want to imagine what could happen to Harry, especially now that he's on the right track.

Louis wouldn't forgive himself.

He felt his heart stop when the door suddenly opened, he stared at the principals questioning eyes before wandering his eyes inside his office.

But there was no Harry inside.

"Mr. Tomlinson, how may I help you?"

Louis instantly felt a bit panicked when he couldn't find Harry inside.

"Um, is Harry here?" was the only thing he could ask even though it was obvious that he wasn't.

Mr. Cowells forehead creased at the mention of Harry's name, like the sound of it brings huge amount of pain in his head.

"So you are aware of what Mr. Styles did?" the principal sighed and opened his office door wider, signaling Louis to enter.

"Harry didn't do it Mr. Cowell!" Louis quickly defended Harry, he was ready to spill everything in order to save Harry.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I am aware of it."

Now Louis was more confused.

"I am told that you were the reason for the smoke bomb and that you were the one who set it up." Mr. Cowell continues with a serious look.

Louis stared at him wide eyed and mouth hanging open, so Mr. Cowell was fully aware.

"A-am I in trouble Mr. Cowell?" Louis stuttered because this was it, should he start saying goodbye to his squeaky clean records.

"No you're not Louis."

Louis felt his heart at the bottom.of his stomach when he heard what his principal had said. He was not in trouble, but how?

He was the whole reason the school was facing problems and now that Mr. Cowell knew the truth, why wasn't he in trouble?

"What?" he questioned.

He hopes Mr. Cowell wouldn't get tired answering all his questions, he could imagine how annoying he is right now.

"I am aware of what have happened and I completely understand that it was caused by some other students bullying you and as you are aware, we are against bullying in this institution. So the right judgement is to suspend Blake, Arnold and Dmitri for a week."

Louis couldn't believe it, Blake was the one who got in trouble. He was safe, he wasn't going to tarnish his grades, he still had a fighting chance on his scholarship grant.

But the real question was, if Blake was the one who got suspended, what does Harry have to do with everything.

"What does Harry have to do with this? Is he in trouble." He asked what was running on his mind, desperate for an answer and he badly needed to see his curly friend.

Mr. Cowell sighed once more and looked like he aged from when Louis saw him last which was this morning.

Louis actually felt bad on how much problem and stress he've brought to his principal, he was thinking of maybe sending him some fruit basket or something.

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