(Part 29) F*cking Teenager

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A/N: Louis' POV ahead...

**Batch 20XX High School Graduation**

Louis couldn't believe that he actually made it until graduation in one piece.

He never expected to meet amazing people like Zayn, Liam and Niall and no way in hell did he ever thought that he was capable of having someone by his side, supporting him and loving him despite the many flaws that he had.

Louis gave his valedictorian speech with a big smile, he knew that it was the only moment in his high school life where he didn't have the urge to vomit while e spoke in front of a crowd.

He bowed one last time to his class and thanked everyone who congratulated him, his parents were awfully proud as they took a thousand pictures of him, but his mind was blank as his eyes tried searching for a particular person. He was trying to look for Harry at the crowd of people, he felt a bit sad not seeing him sitting in one of the graduates, but he would feel more at ease if he knew were he sat at the back with the guest.

Harry had promised that he would be here.

He hasn't seen his boyfriend in a few days, he had a lot of work catching up as Paul requested him to spar with a semi pro athlete. Louis was very supportive and even if he did miss him dearly, he didn't want to act so clingy.

Not seeing him again in one of the most important day of his life is a different matter.

Louis felt like his mood shifting to something closely to sadness but before he can dwell into the feeling, a hand suddenly appeared from behind covering his eyesight.

Followed by a voice whispering on his ear. "Looking for someone?"

Louis' heart skipped a beat, a smile automatically appearing on his face as he excitedly turned around and came face to face with a smirking Harry wearing a suit and tie.

"Harry!" he greeted cheerfully before jumping over to him, hugging him tight.

Louis felt a heave load in his chest being lifted immediately.

He pulled away to stare at Harry more but the giddy expression of finally seeing Harry was replaced by a frown as his eyes caught the bruises on Harry's face and the bandaged knuckle.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" Louis asked in a worried voice.

Harry smiled at him reassuringly. "Just got hit while training, don't worry about it."

Louis wasn't going to stop worrying about Harry, but he knows how Harry hated being the center of attention, so he decided to talk to him about it later.

He was just really glad to have him here by his side.

Louis hugged him again and buried his face on Harry's neck, breathing him in. "I missed you." He murmured quietly, ignoring the people around them.

Harry kissed his head and hugged him back just as tight. "I missed you too Lou."

They stayed like that for a minute before Zayn, Liam and Niall came by their side and toppled over them.

Louis groaned when he landed on the ground. Harry chuckled and helped him back to his feet.

"Congratulations." Harry grinned at him before fishing something on his pocket.

"Harry! I told you not to get me anything." Louis scowled at him.

They have discussed this before.

"I know but I wanted to okay, I can't let the smartest guy in school go away without a present." Harry joked at him before fluttering his eyes at him cutely and giving him absurd facial expression.

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