(Part 32) - End

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Holy Cheeseballss! I did it! I finished the longest living Larry story I've written. The book which was considered lucky if four chapters can be written in a year, yes, back in 2018, I think I wrote only 3 chapter. I suck. I know.

But lo and behold! It is done and it is written by teenage me and it sucks. LOL.

I might try to edit it but maybe soon.

Thank you for all those who were patient enough to read it.

You guys are superheroes, like super amazing!



Louis was a really good doctor.

He takes pride on how calm his mind would be in stressful situations. It gives him an advantage to think clearly, give out orders and not completely fuck up a procedure and end up killing the patient in the process.

Of course, doctors are not perfect, there are times that you might fail but it doesn't mean you didn't do your best, sometimes you're just too late and you need to not blame yourself about it. It was one of the disadvantages of being a doctor, no matter how much effort or time you give, you just can't save everyone.


Louis stared at the crowd gathered around, all wearing black and sad expressions written on their faces as they watched the last of the kids throw a flower into the open ground where the casket was lowered.

He wasn't sure how to process everything which happened in the past week.

It was supposed to be a normal week, he was supposed to tender his last days in the orphanage and then fuck off somewhere in Switzerland to start a new life.

No one expected something horrible and tragic to happen at a place where children should feel safe, but Louis guesses that there really isn't any safe place in the world anymore.

He just wished he could have done something more.

"Hey." A nudge on his side made Louis snap out of his thoughts.

He turned his attention to his side where Harry was looking at him with furrowed brows.

Louis was immediately in protective doctor mode, already thinking that something must be wrong with Harry.

"Are you okay? Does your cast hurt?" Louis asked worriedly, checking if he was in any type of pain.

Harry tried brushing him off. "I'm fine Lou."

Louis scoffed as quietly as possible as to not get the crowds attention. "You should have taken a seat Harry, you just got out of the hospital."

Louis knew that he sounded like a nagging parent, but he couldn't help it.

He wanted to drag Harry back, but he insisted that he was fine enough to leave despite having a broken leg where he was required to use crutches. He had bruises which needed to be healed for more than a week and he might not be able to go back to fighting, not for a year and maybe not even ever again.

Harry doesn't look like he was particularly worried about losing his career because he still demanded to be able to attend today.

"I want to pay my respect." Harry remained on his feet, staring straight ahead to where the priest was voicing out a final prayer. "Kevin worked at the orphanage for five years, he didn't deserve what happened." He whispered softly, the small crack on his voice made Louis let his jacket go to let him stand on his feet on his own.

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