(Part 23) I Miss Him

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Authors Notes:

You guys probably hate me but seee, there's a chapter and I'm very proud of myself. Please comment me your thoughts about this and I'll make sure to post another update.


Flashing lights and the sound of loud music booming out of the room made him hope that tonight it'll be something different. 

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door on his side and getting out of his car. He was instantly greeted by a lot of congratulations and cheers by people around him but he ignored it and decided to head straight in the club.

Upon entering the room, he tried to spot for his manager/friend Ben. Ben had told him earlier that he should come to the after party after successfully defending his title and defeating Frankie Simmons for the UFC Lightweight Championship.

Harry knew he shouldn't be attending but resting because his body was heavily bruised. It's no secret that injuries are common in mixed martial arts. Minor cuts and lacerations are commonplace in an MMA fight. However, the injuries don't stop there–more severe injuries like fractures, ligament tears, and head injuries are also common. Harry was pretty damn lucky for only getting a few minor injuries with his hand.

Although MMA and UFC fighters do wear gloves, they don't necessarily protect the hands from all injuries. Broken fingers, ligament tears, and jammed fingers are all common hand injuries and Harry had experienced them at some point in his career.

Jammed fingers and minor ligament tears and fractures can often heal without the need for surgery. So Harry was very thankful that in his previous fights, he never had to have a major surgery.

But it was still a pain in the ass but he has to suck it up until it completely heals on its own. Tom has placed a cast over his elbow to immobilize the area and prevent Harry from moving it. Harry hated the damn thing and it was making him uncomfortable but Tom had warned him that he'll take him to a physical therapist if he removes it so Harry was stuck with a damn cast.

Harry's opponent Frankie wasn't as lucky though.

MMA and UFC fighters do not wear any protective head gear, and are therefore susceptible to head injuries. Though fighters are not allowed to strike another fighter's head or face with a 12-6 (straight up-and-down) elbow, or hit the top or back of another fighter's head and neck, other head and neck hits are still allowed.

Harry was able to hit Frankie a few times and he already recognized the signs of a concussion on him but he wasn't allowed to stop the fight or he'll lose. He was being subtle at motioning for the referees to check on Frankie because he doesn't want to continue hitting him which could lead to permanent brain damage.

If this was another fighter, Harry wouldn't care if he sends him to the emergency room because that was the nature of the sport. It was brutal, bloody and sometimes deadly and people who get in it are supposed to be ready to face the consequence of an abrupt death. But Harry knew Frankie and he met his wife and kids so he didn't want him to die or develop a degenerative brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which was common for someone who receives repetitive head trauma.

After believing Harry, the referee paused the fight to check and after confirming, they immediately finished the match and hailed Harry as the winner.

Harry had already made a name in the world of MMA fighting 4 years ago after a short career in professional boxing. Harry didn't really want to remember those days so he just focused on the present. 

"There's our champion!" A cheerful voice shouted from Harry's right and he shook his head and plastered an all too fake smile before greeting Ben.

Ben was wearing a suit and a pair of sun glasses which Harry found to be amusing because the room was already dark and the only light came from the strobe lights which is slowly making Harry's head ache.

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