tell me what happened

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The other thing I hate besides the sympathies, are the rumours.

The rumours on why Marlene fell off the cliff. Most say she jumped, because she was tired of life, tired of trying to avoid Celia King, Marlene's cousin and the school's queen.

In every school, there's a popular group. That group that controls everyone and everything in the school. That group which tormented Marlene and I. Celia King is the leader of this popular group in my school. They're called The Reguim, which is Latin for The Royalty.

Back when we were all little, before I knew Marlene, I was an outcast in school. I had no friends. For no clear reason, The Reguim targeted me daily, called me names and hid my things. I became a curse to everyone else in school. Befriending me would be demoting oneself to the lowest position in the social hierarchy. But that's exactly what Marlene did.

I didn't know why she befriended me, the loser outcast of the school, the worthless nobody who didn't deserve any friends. I guess she must have seen something in me, something worth befriending, something worth the torment that followed the first day she hung out with me. 

For me, the torment would end the moment I locked my room door and hid under the covers. But for Marlene, it never ended. In school, it was The Regium after her and at home, it was Celia. It might be only Celia, but she can be really nasty on her own when she wants to be. People say that Marlene was tired of that, of bearing with Celia's cruelty, so she gave up and jumped.

But if so, she would have told me, right? Or at least shown some hints on how she was feeling. But she never did any of that. From what I can remember, she was happy. Then the next thing I know, she's dead.

Others say she jumped because her dad left and she couldn't bear to burden her mum, who was struggling so very hard to make ends meet. 

But all include the fact that Marlene committed suicide. Which she wouldn't, right? She wouldn't leave me alone to deal with The Reguim, to live with her death on my mind every single waking (and sleeping) moment of the day. Right? 

Ever since the day it was announced to the school that Marlene was dead, I've been hearing all these rumours everywhere I go. And I'm finding it harder and harder to reason that Marlene didn't jump on her own. For what other reason could there be? There was no one there, except Gwyneth and I. I definitely wouldn't have pushed her off and I just can't picture Gwyneth doing that. 

It really sucks, when you don't remember what happened just before your best friend died. 

But isn't that where witnesses come into play?


I corner Gwyneth at her locker, the guilt at being so rude with Abbey long forgotten, replaced with a burning desire to learn the truth behind what happened at that cliff. Whether or not it's going to take hours to get her to talk, I'm not leaving until I get some answers. 

"Tell me what happened," I demand, trying to sound intimidating.

Gwyneth doesn't respond, just continues shoving books into her locker. 

"I need to know," I continue. "And you were there, so tell me what happened."

She closes her locker door and turns to face me, but doesn't break her vow of silence.

It doesn't seem like I'll get what I want today. 

My earlier resolves is melting fast, turning into a puddle of desperation. 

"She's my best friend and I don't even know what happened before she fell off the cliff. You were there. You saw what went on, didn't you? So please, please tell me," I plead, grabbing a hold of her hand when she moves to walk past me. "Please?"

Gwyneth then looks me in the eyes and it's not full of pity for someone trying so hard to get answers to try and piece together the reason her best friend died. It's full of sadness, and something else I can't quite name. 

"Please isn't going to change what happened that day," Gwyneth finally says, slowly and softly. "And knowing the reason isn't going to change the fact that Marlene is dead."

"But she's still my best friend, I still need to know," I try again. "I just need to know."

Gwyneth shrugs her hand out of my grip. 

And she says something that chills me to the bone.

"But are you sure you want to know the truth?" 

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