Chapter 1

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'THE FAIRYTALE IS OVER: Jackie is Heartbroken as Harry is set to be Deployed to Afghanistan Just Three Weeks after Royal Wedding!'

'Kensington Palace confirms Prince Harry is one of many soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan after a call for increased military presence in the war-torn country. He will be stationed at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province - considered a Taliban heartland - with the 100-strong 662 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps.'

'A spokesperson for Kensington Palace states: "He's approached the deployment with a range of emotions like any other soldier. He feels pride and anticipation as he deploys for a job he's trained for, for so long; but is also disappointed he must leave his wife behind after being married for such a short time. The Duke of Windsor, like any soldier, considers it a great honor to represent his country in Her Majesty's armed forces wherever it chooses to deploy him."'

'Prince Harry, the newly named Duke of Windsor, served briefly in Afghanistan four years ago, but he was hurriedly withdrawn 10 weeks into his deployment amid safety fears when news of his deployment to a small forward operating base leaked, putting him and fellow troop members in danger. It has been reported that Harry will be leaving Nottingham Cottage on Friday morning to start his four month deployment.'

'While stationed, Harry will be part of the Joint Aviation Group, which provides support to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force and Afghan forces in the region. The Ministry of Defense said Harry's squadron would "provide surveillance, deterrence and, when required, close combat attack capabilities as well as escort duties for other aircraft."'

'"Since Harry qualified in February he has been gaining additional flying experience with 3 Regiment Army Air Corps, part of 16 Air Assault Brigade," the Kensington Palace statement said. "He has been trained to fly in the front seat as the mission commander, a role that equips the operative to fly the aircraft from the back seat but the majority of the time involves operating the Apache's sights, sensors and weapons systems," it said.'

'No official word has been released on behalf of Jackie, Duchess of Windsor, but a statement is expected to be released after Harry has arrived in Afghanistan. Sources close to Jackie state that she is understandably heartbroken. "She didn't think she would have to say goodbye just 3 weeks after the wedding. Harry's deployment was unexpected and really blindsided her."'



Jackie hurriedly shut her laptop, hiding the Daily Mail article she had been reading. "In the bedroom!" she answered.

Jackie stood up, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. The sharp sound of clicking heels announced the arrival of Elizabeth Davidge, Jackie's lady-in-waiting. After Elizabeth had given her an etiquette lesson just after the engagement was announced, Jackie had decided to trust her entire social schedule to the tactful, blatantly honest woman. Though she didn't always tell Jackie what she wanted to hear, she always told her what she needed to hear.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth snapped, taking in Jackie's disheveled appearance. "You've got an event in 3 hours!"

"I can't go, Elizabeth. I want to wait around for Harry to come home from work. He's leaving in 3 days."

"The Battered Women and Children's Shelter has put their trust in you not only to arrive, but to put on a smile and give them your all." Elizabeth threw open the doors to Jackie's walk in closet, striding inside. Jackie sighed as she heard her lady in waiting riffling through the endless racks of clothes. She emerged again, carrying a knee-length sleeveless purple dress, tossing it to Jackie. "Go take a shower and do your makeup, then put this on. Purple is the color for domestic abuse awareness."

Jackie chewed her lip, willing herself not to cry. Without a word, she went into the large master bathroom, closing the door behind her. After starting the water, Jackie let out the choked up sob in her chest. She knew how childish she was being- Harry wouldn't be coming home from his deployment briefings until well after her engagement was over, but something inside of her wanted to lay in bed all day, reading articles and feeling sorry for herself.

Jackie had put on a brave face for Harry after he told her the news of his deployment. Of course, he wasn't choosing to go and he wasn't chosen to go on purpose, but he wasn't given any special privileges, meaning he had to go even though he and Jackie had just gotten married. As the official Kensington Palace statement said, Harry was proud that he could finally serve his country the best way he knew how. He had worked so hard and so long at copiloting an Apache helicopter, and now was his chance to prove he could do it. Harry was also sad to be leaving Jackie behind, but she could tell that his sense of duty was almost as strong as his love for her.

Jackie showered, getting in a good cry by the time she had gotten out. She was absolutely overwhelmed with dread about the whole ordeal. The wedding planning and excitement had been a good distraction, causing her to almost forget about the dreaded chance of deployment. But now, it was actually happening. As the report stated, Harry had been pulled from his previous deployment in 2007 after the Taliban had specifically threatened the young Prince's life. Who was to say they wouldn't find him again, maybe even following through with their threats? She wasn't sure if she would ever be able to sleep a wink, laying in bed with an empty space where Harry should be, wondering where he was and what he was doing and if he was safe.

Jackie had just been dropped from the planning for her life as the Duchess of Windsor into the actuality of it all. Now it was no longer 'what do you want to do?' but 'what are you doing?'. She had hoped Harry would be there for her, giving her advice and support. But now, not only was she going to have to do her own pre-scheduled engagements, but she had also agreed to step in for Harry's pre-scheduled engagements. Both Jackie and Harry had been given part-time schedules (in order to have some free time to build their relationship) for appearances and engagements throughout the remainder of the year, so that meant Jackie would be taking on a full-time public duty role right off the bat.

Jackie wrapped herself in her favorite gray robe, twisting her hair up into a towel. She could hear Elizabeth typing away on her laptop in the dining room, as usual, as she did her own makeup and hair in the bathroom mirror. Jackie's eyes had been sporting dark circles underneath, so her usual makeup with a bit of extra concealer had her looking as good as new. Jackie blew dry her shoulder-length hair into soft curls, pulling the top of it back from her face and securing it with a few bobby pins. Jackie's goal was to look as she normally did, hiding the dread and worry that filled her up inside.

Jackie zipped up her dress and had just clipped on her mother's necklace when Elizabeth poked her head into the room. "Oh, look at you. Lovely! The purple really compliments your tan."

Jackie gave a weak smile. "Thank you, Elizabeth."

"Come along, now. You should eat something before we leave, they won't be serving lunch at the shelter."

Jackie followed Elizabeth in the kitchen of Nottingham Cottage. While Elizabeth returned to her spot at the table, Jackie reached for an apple. She opened the cabinets, ignoring her and Harry's ridiculously elegant and incredibly expensive wedding china, opting for an old St. Andrew's coffee mug. She filled it with some black coffee before joining Elizabeth at the table.

"Ready?" Elizabeth asked, shuffling through her papers, filled with all the information Jackie needed to be prepared for her engagement at the Battered Women and Children's Shelter.

Jackie took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready."


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