Chapter 18

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"I can't believe I haven't noticed, it's two weeks late," said Jackie, glancing at her desk calendar.

"You've been so busy recently, all the engagements and helping Kate, I'm not surprised." Elizabeth said, excitement evident behind her usually calm facade.

"But I've been hoping for this for two months, I don't know how I didn't realize-"

 "Well, don't leave me in suspense," Elizabeth interrupted, "Take a test!" 

Jackie gave a nervous smile, hopping up from her desk in Nottingham Cottage and nearly running to the master bathroom. She dug through the drawers of the vanity, pulling out an already opened box of pregnancy tests. It was December 22nd, and Jackie and Elizabeth had been working on packing Jackie's bags for her first Christmas at Sandringham with the Royal Family. However, when going through her toiletries, Jackie had realized that her period was nearly 2 weeks late. Her stomach was in knots of excitement as she took the test, setting it on a tissue on the bathroom counter. 

Jackie had already gotten her hopes up twice before, the two minute wait on the test feeling like hours, only to see "Not Pregnant" on the small digital screen. She had been keeping Harry updated, he was just as eager as she was to start a family. Jackie was trying not to get overly excited only to be let down, however, this time, something inside her was insisting 'This is it'

A glance at her watch told her two minutes as passed. Jackie closed her eyes, reaching for the test. She held it in her hands, pausing for a moment. "Please," she whispered aloud. "Please." 

She counted to three in her head and opened her eyes.


Jackie's heart swelled. She wanted to cry and laugh and scream at the same time. Instead, she rushed out to her office and threw her arms around the unsuspecting Elizabeth. 

"Is it positive?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes!" Jackie cried.


Jackie paced near the door of Nottingham Cottage, peeking through the curtains about every 15 seconds. After 8 hours, the excitement of finding out she was pregnant hadn't worn off in the slightest. She and Elizabeth had celebrated a bit, then talked enthusiastically about names and nursery plans while they finished packing Jackie's bags for the three day Christmas holiday to Sandringham House. 

Elizabeth had headed back to her London flat to begin her own Christmas break, leaving Jackie alone to wait for Harry to come home from his official last day at his job with the Royal Air Force. She had already prepared his favorite dinner, filet, for the occasion of his last day, but now, they had even more to celebrate. 

Right on schedule, the sound of tires on gravel came a bit after 6:00 pm. Jackie waited near the door, having to refrain from running outside to meet Harry on the snowy driveway. She could hear his footsteps approaching, then the door opened. Jackie and Rupert met Harry at the door, both equally as excited. 

"It smells good in here," Harry commented, pulling off his coat to reveal his flight suit. 

Jackie stood with her hands behind her back, holding tightly to the positive test. She couldn't hold back her smile, which stretched so wide her cheeks ached. 

Harry looked at her expectantly. "What is it?" 

"I'm pregnant."

A look of shock crossed Harry's face before it was replaced with pure joy. He let out a laugh as he pulled Jackie into a bone crushing hug. "Oh my god," he whispered before giving her a kiss. 

Jackie watched Harry as she handed him the positive test, which he examined with eyes filled with amazement. "This is so-" He smiled and let out a sigh before hugging her again. "I'm so happy." 

Jackie laughed, squeezing him tightly. "So am I." 

"Did you take this this morning?" Harry asked as the couple made their way to the kitchen, Jackie preparing their plates.

"Mhm," said Jackie. "I could hardly wait to tell you." 

"How far along do you think you are?" Harry asked. 

"I could be up to 6 weeks," she said. "Catherine's only 8."

Harry beamed. "That'll be so much fun, they'll always have someone to play with." 

"I'm going to call Kate's doctor in the morning and see if she'll come do an ultrasound before we go to Sandringham in the afternoon, I'd like to know exactly where I'm at."

Harry nodded. "Do you want to tell anyone?" 

"I don't know how much longer I can keep it from Kate," Jackie admitted. "I'm just so excited."

"I'd like to tell Will, too," Harry agreed. "Why don't we stop by their apartment and see them before we leave tomorrow?" 

"Sounds like a plan." Jackie brought Harry his plate, sitting down next to him at the kitchen island, where they ate and talked for hours about the new addition to the Windsor family. 


The wait is over- Jackie is finally pregnant! Please leave any comments or suggestions :) 

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