Chapter 4

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'Lip-Readings of the Royal Wedding Reveal Princess Jackie is the New Queen of Our Hearts'

'By the time the glass doors of Buckingham Palace's balcony swung open at 1:26 pm, the playful crowds below were already chanting: "Kiss, kiss, kiss."'

'Newlyweds Prince Harry and Jackie Baker stepped forward, smiling, waving, and exchanging a few words – although onlookers could never have hoped to make out what was being said so far away, above the din of the crowd.'

'Yet anyone watching on TV could make out the words – if only they could lip-read, that is.'

'Thankfully, the DailyMail has a few lip-readers on hand, giving us a glimpse into the quiet exchanges during the most anticipated moments of the wedding of the year.'

'The groom was totally calm before the ceremony as he and Prince Charles exchanged words with the priest, stating "I couldn't be more happy," and "I know she's going to look beautiful."'

'The future Duchess of Windsor, on the other hand, seemed to be nervous as she cracked quite a few jokes to ease her nerves. When waiting outside Westminster Abbey on the arm of her longtime friend and future brother-in-law, the Duke of Cambridge, she said, "Don't let me fall." William laughed, replying , "I promise I won't." The blushing bride then shot back, "If I go down, you're coming with me."'

'The moment that Jackie Baker officially stole all of our hearts was when she arrived at the end of the aisle. Prince Harry appeared to say, "You look so so beautiful." Jackie had a very unprincess-like, hilarious response: "I'm hungry." Harry and Will couldn't help but to laugh at the mischievous bride, who continued, "Do either of you have a snack?" In true Prince Harry fashion, Harry also joked, saying: "Sorry, I already ate what I brought."

'When the newlyweds appeared on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, former nurse Jackie was in awe as she said, "I can't believe this is real." Unlike sister-in-law Kate Middleton, Jackie didn't need any coaxing from her groom for the highly anticipated first kiss. She leant in, even going so far as the put a hand on her prince's cheek, giving the crowd of over 1 million people a passionate kiss. However, the onlookers weren't satisfied, chanting "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" until Harry appeared to ask his bride, "Want to give them one more?" Jackie obliged, much to the delight of the cheering crowd.'

'The Duchess of Windsor's sense of relatable humility that has showed us that being a Princess Bride hasn't shaken her ego in the slightest, causing her to become quite the Twitter sensation as clips of her hilarious wedding comments spread like wildfire. Luckily, we may soon see more of the Duchess's funny side, as she has decided to keep her previously scheduled public agenda, despite Prince Harry's sudden deployment to Afghanistan. We at the DailyMail wish Princess Jackie luck as she takes on the full-time job of being a senior member of the Royal Family.'


"How sweet of them," Jackie mumbled to herself, exiting out of the most recent article about her. Such kind praises were coming from the same website that had speculated she was "pregnant or just fat" because of the bulky sweater she had worn to Waitrose to pick up a few groceries a few weeks before. The Daily Mail and other tabloids always posted unpredictable stories about Jackie, Harry, Kate, and Will. One day they were singing praise, the next, tearing each and every thing they said and did and wore to pieces.

The sound of hurried knocking on Jackie's door caused her to slam her laptop closed, jumping from the couch. She rushed to the door of Nottingham Cottage, throwing it open. She was surprised to see an palace aide standing on the doorstep. The aide curtsied. "Your Highness."

"Hello," Jackie greeted, a bit curious as to why the aide had knocked so excitedly.

The aide held out an envelope, looking a bit breathless. "This was delivered today, I was instructed to bring it by at once."

Jackie took the envelope, addressed to 'HRH The Duchess of Windsor' in familiar, messy handwriting, causing her stomach flutter.

"Thank you so much," Jackie said with a wide smile, giving the aide a spontaneous hug. 

The aide giggled, returning her hug, before curtsying and heading off towards the palace. Jackie closed the door behind her, tearing open the envelope. She felt as though she was going to cry before she even read it, touching the page that had last been touched by Harry. It had been dated four days before, the day Harry had arrived at base.


I've only been settled in for a few hours yet, but I already miss you (and Rupert) more than I ever thought possible. David and I are bunking together, of course, but base isn't exactly what I thought it was going to be.

It's nothing like it was last time I was here with the Household Cavalry on the front lines. Camp Bastion is a mini-city with shops and gyms and even a Pizza Hut. There are a ton of men here, and since most of them haven't met me, they all stare and have a good gawk. I was hoping that I would just be Capt. Wales here, not Prince Harry. Maybe after I've been here a bit longer they'll get used to me.

There doesn't seem to be much action here, either. The lads sit around and play PlayStation and watch movies. Obviously I'm a champ at FIFA, but these guys have a lot of time on their hands to practice. I'll have to step up my game to keep my undefeated record.

Some of the men who I've talked to so far say that once you step foot off the base you're right in the thick of the action. I expect David and I will get a basic run-through of how things work around here tomorrow morning, I'll let you know how that goes. Hopefully I'll be able to fly in a mission very soon. I may lose my mind if I came here only to play PlayStation in a tent full of men for 20 weeks.

I don't have a cellphone so I won't be able to keep tabs on you in the tabloid articles, so you'll have to keep me updated on how all of your engagements go. I know you'll do wonderfully, you're a natural. However, I expect you'll be seeing me in the papers very soon, we've agreed that I'll be partaking in an interview in two weeks in exchange for some privacy while I'm here. Last time they went digging and released too much information, which is why I was sent home.

I'm going to miss coming home to you at night (rather than a bunch of dirty men). I'm starting to wonder whether time is going to fly by, for me at least. If I don't see some action soon I may have to hijack an apache and go rogue. (I hope to get some action from you as soon as I get home).

Lots of love,


Harry's letter had Jackie in waves of tears and laughter, she could practically hear his voice reading the letter aloud in her head. It left her missing him even more.


Thank you all for reading and voting!

Question: Do you like seeing the articles at the beginning of the chapters? Of course I won't do it for every one, but I thought it was a fun addition!

Please comment with any suggestions for what you would like to see happen! @thegameison97 had a great idea, for me to write about the Skyfall premiere, which Will, Kate, and Harry attended in 2012. Are there any events you would like to see from Jackie's perspective?

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