Chapter 17

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Jackie was awaken by a sudden brightness in her dark bedroom. She sat up, a bit confused by her unfamiliar surroundings. After a moment, she realized that she was in Will and Kate's guest room in Apartment 1A. She had slept with her door open in case Kate got up in the middle of the night, which, by the light in the hallway turning on, it appeared she had.

Jackie climbed from the luxurious guest bed and walked quickly to the master bathroom. Kate was sitting on the bathroom floor next to the toilet, wiping at the corner of her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Jackie asked quietly, sitting down next to Kate.

Kate looked up at Jackie with tired eyes, her voice sounding shocked, "I think I might need to go to the hospital."

Jackie nodded, standing up and gently pulling Kate to her feet. "We'll get dressed and I'll take you."

Kate lent Jackie a pair of black running tights and a oversized gray sweater. Though the chances were slim at 3 in the morning, Jackie didn't want them to be photographed in a mad dash to the hospital in their pajamas. She helped the very weak Kate change as well before they both put on their coats and headed for the door of Apartment 1A.

Jackie dialed a number she knew by heart, the phone ringing a few times before a very sleepy voice answered. "Hello?"

"Harry- I'm taking Kate to the hospital, she's just feeling so terrible, I don't think we should wait till morning."

There was some rustling on Harry's end. "Want me to meet you outside? I'll drive."

"No, no. I want you to call William and tell him what's going on. He's probably going to be frantic, but Kate says he's flying a rescue mission and that it's very important to him, so she wants you to tell him not to worry just yet, and that we'll keep him updated on whether he should come home early or not."

Jackie looked to Kate, who nodded her approval.

"Okay, then what should I do?" Harry asked.

"I haven't thought that far yet, but I'll call you in a bit and let you know what's going on."

"Okay, tell Kate I love her."

"I will," said Jackie. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Jackie hung up her phone. She and Kate were walking down the quiet halls of the Kensington Palace living quarters towards the doors of the palace. It didn't take long for them to run into a general security officer, who Jackie flagged down. He looked a bit alarmed to see the two Duchesses out of their beds so late.

"Can you please inform the officers outside that we need a car immediately?"

"Of course, Your Highness."

The officer hurried off. By the time Jackie and Kate got outside, a waiting car was already parked on the gravel drive. Jackie could see two figures approaching from the dark guard tower, running at full speed. Jackie got Kate into the passenger's seat and was relieved to see Chris and Emma, her and Kate's PPOs.

"Kate, are you alright?" Emma asked, poking her head into the car.

Kate nodded, but appeared too tired to answer. Jackie climbed into the driver's seat. "Why don't you two follow. Emma, could you please call Elizabeth and let her know where we're going?"

"Of course, Jackie," said Emma. "Has someone called Will?"

"Harry is." Jackie shut her door, rolling down the window to speak to the officers. "I'll meet you at King Edward's."

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