Wonder Land

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We had so much fun! We danced and met so many new people. It was a lot of fun. We came back homed rink and crazy. Blake ended up staying the night and sleeping on the floor.

I wake up to Blake playing on his phone. I sit up and fix my hair as best as possible. He looks over and smiles. I smile back.
B: hey beautiful...
L: morning.
B: the party was awesome. I have donuts on the counter. Got bear claws... Your favorite!
L: thanks babe....
I get up and use the bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. It looks good now. I walk back out and get some coffee and a bear claw. They were soooo good. Blake had a glazed and we chilled out for the day.
It's 4 o'clock and I went shopping for clothes. Got some cute shirts, pants, and a couple new bras *wink wink*. I come back to Blake sitting on my bed. I did not expect him to be here.
B: Lexi. I love you so much. I have a question for you....
L: u-uh ok sure ask away....
B: will... Will you move in with me? Let's find a beautiful house and move in together. I love you
L: of course. This is great. I have been thinking about moving in with you.
B: hell yea!
We celebrate with wine and shots. We have our own little party.  We dance and sing and are super drunk.
B: you are so super hot. I wanted to ask you out the first time I saw you!
L: aw thanks. I thought you were really sexy when I saw you.
B: you always look like a goddess baby.
L: thanks ,Blake.
B: I love you, Lexi.
L: you too.....

He gets up and gives me a passionate kiss. I kiss back and smile. I can't wait to move in with him. He starts to kiss me more. I jump up and wrap my legs around him and he walks to my bed. He puts one knee on the bed and follows with the other sitting down not once breaking the kiss. He lays down and we remove our shirts.  He smirks and kisses me again and again. He kisses my neck and I giggle and blush. We remove our pants and keep kissing.

Beep beep beeeeeppppp.
I tap my phone to hit the alarm off. I sit up as the covers slide off. I look down to see I'm completely naked. I gasp and grab my robe and put it on so it would cover me. I sit down on the floor.
L: *whispers* oh my gosh oh my gosh... Holy... Oh lord. What happened?!
I see Blake out of the corner of my eyes sitting up.
B: Lexi... What happened?
L: we... Look in the covers.
Blake looks in the covers to see himself naked and he looks up.
B: oh my god! Lexi I am so sorry---
L: it's fine. We were both drunk ok? It's fine.
He gets up with a blanket wrapped around him and goes to the bathroom to put on boxers. I'm just glad Cassie was not here. She would have gotten really weirded out or mad. I don't know. I stand up and walk to my closet to pick out an outfit for today. I pick one out and change in the bathroom as soon as Blake gets out and I run out the door with out saying good bye. I wonder... What if I am pregnant. I'm only 19 now what do I do?!

Hey guys so sorry I did not post in a very long time I broke my phone and just got a new one! Love you guys thanks for reading!

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