New Hair

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Beeepppp beeeppp bee---
I hit my alarm clock off the night stand. It's 8:30. Lana is sleeping next to me. I get up take a shower, brush my hair and teeth and my makeup. Today I dye my hair . I am not sure what color. But it's gonna be cute. I have an appointment at 10:45 for my hair. I am so excited!
L: bye Lana. I whisper so Cassie won't wake up. She was up late last night so I am letting her sleep in.  I walk out the door and drive to  Starbucks to get coffee . I get my coffe and drive to the hair salon. I walk in the salon doors and I see people getting their hair done and a row of chairs. I sit down and see this guy looking at me.
L: H-hi?
Guy: hey there pretty lady.
L: hi! What's your name?
H: Henry. What's yours?
L: Lexi!
H: cool... Wanna go out some time. I'm 19 by the way!
L: I'm 18 and I have a boyfriend sorry.
H: well you're beautiful so I assumed. Just wanted to make sure. But we should hang out sometime.
(S means salonist)
S: time for your haircut Lexi!
I have been going here for 2 years and getting my hair done. They know me. I get up and sit in the hair cutting chair.
S: so what are we gonna do today?
L: just a trim and I would like to dye my whole head purple.
S: that will look gorgeous in you!
She starts cutting my hair. We make small talk and chit chat. About 1 hour later we finish my hair.
S: awesome! I think it looks good on ya, hon!
I pay for my hair cut and drive back to my dorm. I walk in and twirl my hair.
L: CASSIEEEE LOOK!!! I got my hair dyyeeeddddd!
I close the door and sit on my bed. I plug in my phone cause it was at 60 percent. I hear a knock on the door and Cassie gets up and opens it. I lay down not once looking at the door.
B: hey Cassie! Who is this
C: Lex! She dyed her hair.
I look up and Blake recognizes me with my new hair
B: I love it Lexi!
L: thanks!!
I get up and hug him. His warmth fills my body. He smells good. I can't put my finger on it and figure out the scent. But it's good.
B: so beautiful.. Wanna go shopping at the mall? You can show off your new hair!
L: ok! Let me get my purse and phone
I grab my phone and purse and we head out. He puts his arm around me and brings me closer to him and I blush. I look up and see him smiling at me and he fixes his hair. We get in the car. Then we drive to the mall and just walk around and shop. I buy stuff from hot topic, forever 21, JcPenny, Macy, and victorious secret. Blake buys some stuff from Hot topic and some other places like GameStop and other stuff . We got ice cream and lunch.We went back to his car. It was 4:30. We drive back to Phoenix University and we walk back to my dorm.
L: I have a whole bunch of bags I'm gonna put them down. Come on in.
B: alright.
Cassie was not in there. I put down my bags and I get my hair out of my face. I rustle thought my 10 different bags and run to the bathroom with a new outfit. Ripped black jeans and a soft white sweater.
B: damn you look good in that. He smiles.
L: thanks. Got it from Forever 21!
He walks over and starts kissing me. Cassie comes bursting through the door. She sees Blake and I kissing.
C: oh.. Uhhhh. Am I interrupting something?
I push Blake off me and sit up.
B: Yea kinda---
L: No! No you are not!
B: Cassie I was on a role!!! Why did ya have to come bargin through the door!
C: I'm sorry, Blake!
L: no it's fine nothing was going on! I shoot a 'what the hell man' look at Blake and he just blows a kiss at me. Ugh that guy! He leaves and Cassie goes to bed. I brush my brand new hair thinking about Blake. I love him.... He is great. I turn off the light and go to bed.

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