Chapter 1

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My alarm clock goes off with a sharp buzz. Ugh. Please remind me why I ever decided to go register in school. Oh yeah, one word.....parents. I groggily drag myself out of bed and throw off my clothes flinging them to the laundry basket. I grab my towel and hop in the shower. The ice cold water pierces my skin like razors. Oh heavens, my mum must be having her bath now too. You see, there's this complex shower hot water thing but right now I really don't have the strength to explain so sorry.

I'm finally done with getting ready. I throw on a beanie as the final touch to my outfit and look in the mirror to check myself out. Wow. Despite my deep blue jeans and T-shirt with sneaks, which are like the best I own, I still manage to look like a hobo. Yeah that's right. A hobo. I just know my girlfriends are going to kill me. They're all incredibly fashionable even though Janelle is a lil on the down low.


I hop down from my bike and stroll to the school. Yeah that's right. I ride a bike. Call me a tomboy or whatever you want. I just like it. By the way, it's painted yellow. I love yellow. I'm a sucker for that color. I go to my locker and punch in the combination then quickly stuff my books into it to lighten the load. Then I decide to do my crazy dance.

I only do this dance when I come very early to school and no one is around. Therefore, this is a rare thing seeing as I'm not usually an early bird. I go to my music and play Party in the USA. God, I love this song. I turn up the volume to the loudest and then dance around wildly in the hallway. I do a cartwheel and then try a back flip which goes wrong. Painfully wrong. Ouch, why did I do that? I land on my butt and let out a small wince.

"Wow, that's gotta hurt. And the dance was going just fine"

I freeze on the floor. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Alec. Ugh. I gradually turn around, half hoping that maybe I just made a mistake. But no, he's there alright. With a huge smirk on his face. I let out a fake smile to hide my pain but I knew it was useless.
"How much did you see?", I ask looking down at the ground.

"Oh, not much. Just from the part where you turned on he music."

Hehe, very funny#note the sarcasm in my voice#

I walk slowly to my locker with a little limp and turn off the music. I pick my Science textbook and my bag and scurry away as fast as my aching butt can take me. Thankfully, the librarian is sleeping heavily in her office so I can continue my music. But of course, without the crazy dancing.

As I relax on a seat on a table at the far right corner, with my phone playing John Legend's Everybody Knows, I sing along softly. Sadly, this beautiful moment is ruined by Alec walking in and sitting opposite me. Ah geez, gimme a break. I glare at him and he gives me a smile in return. More like a smirk-smile.

"Hi", he says.

"Hi, what do you want?"

"Just to talk to you"

"We're talking now"

We look at each other in awkward silence for a while then he stands up. Thank God. He's going. Wait a minute...

He suddenly turns and walks towards me. I ignore him and flip through my textbook. He jerks me up all of a sudden and pushes me against the wall. Aigoo, what to do, what to do. I can smell his scent 'cuz he's practically breathing on me. He smells like, well, Alec.

"I need blood. I'm hungry"

Elck. He's not a vampire. He just sometimes thinks he is. Or maybe it's just an act, who knows. But this is weird. Why is he soo close to me? My stomach is flipping but why would it be doing that? It's not like I like him or anything. He leans into me like he's going to bite me.

Or kiss you.

That's so weird. Why should my head suggest such. Yeah that's right. I think kissing is blech. But maybe it's because I've never done it. I don't care anyway. Don't plan on doing it any time soon. I try to push him off but he's supernaturally strong. Wow , maybe he is a vampire.

I resolve to just turning my face away from the impending doom and that's when I realise that Logan is watching us, mouth agape.
His eyes are wide with disbelief at the sight before him and he stares like a buffoon.

"Oh my God! What are you guys doing?"

/Hey, hoped you liked this first chapter. It's my first book so please comment and tell me what you think. Plus all this really happened. More or less☺☺/

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