Chapter 4

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After my horrible P.E. i hurried off to my the remaining classes for the day. As soon as the final bell rang i rushed out to my motorbike. I think it's better to go clear my head up so I ride to the docks. The breeze is cool and not a soul is in sight. Perfect. I unleash my anger by stomping around, bashing the ground and pulling at my hair. It was quite painful and unfortunately didn't help me one bit. I eventually collapse to the ground in between sobs.

"Roxy, what's wrong?"

I spin round quickly to see who spoke. Ethan is walking towards me with a worried look on his face. He sits beside me and wipes my face.

"Oh, nothing" I reply.

"Yeah, right. Spill."

"My hamster died" I lie.

Wow, such a lie. I can't believe I didn't think of a more believable lie. Anyone who knew me would know I couldn't cry this much for a hamster, dead or alive. Thankfully, he doesn't bother questioning me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your hamster is in animal heaven or something"

I laugh lightly and sit beside him. For a long moment we just sit in silence, staring off at the waves. Then he starts to fumble with his hand and steal glances at me. What the heck?

"Umm, Ethan, do you have something to say?" I ask quietly.

"Oh. I was wondering if you'll like to go to see a movie tonight"

"Well, of course. Why not?" Anything to take my minf off Alec. He beams at me and then stands up in a hurry.

"I'll pick you up at 8. Bye."

I smile a wide as I can. I think it's sweet how he wants to cheer me up with a movie. I sit at the docks for about 30 mins before a hurry home to catch a few Z's before the movie.


It's 7:30 and I'm already dressed for the movie. A T-shirt with the words I like boys, faded jeans and a checked shirt tied around my waist. I let my hair fall down. Ethan's bike pulls up in front of my house just as I'm stuffing my face with a cupcake. Great way to start things off Roxy. I manage to gobble it down as i open the door.

"Hey Ethan" I say with a smile plastered on my face. He looks smoking hot with a leather jacket and denim jeans. Wow, wow, wow. He laughs and i realize I was staring. He must think I'm a freak now. We walk out to his black bike and I hop onto it and fasten my helmet.

It feels really nice to feel cool breeze in your face and hold on to a hot guy. I think I can cheerfully mark off something from my bucket list.

We like the same kind of movies so we choose Avengers: Age of Ultron. As we are buying the tickets and popcorn, Alec and Jo walk in, hand in hand, smiling. Ugh. They successfully spoiled my mood. I lock eye with Jo and she smiles at me, wickedly. Are my eyes deceiving me or did that really just happen? They come up to the counter and Alec finally sees me. Took you long enough.

He freezes at first then notices my hand in Ethan's hand and he stiffens like a stone. I just realized that Ethan was holding my hand. Jo buys a ticket for some sappy romance movie, 2hich is def not his type, and then says hi to me and drags Alec off to the movie. Ethan looks dumbfounded as he was still talking to Alec. Plus Jo hates him so....

After the movie we come out and see Alec and Jo , #still holding hands#, talking and smiling. For some reason it made me fill funny so I dragged Ethan out even though i heard my name being called.

Me and Ethan walked casually towards my house. He decided it was more soothing to walk. At this point, I realize that this was seeming all too much like a date. I laughed and asked him,

"It's so funny how this turned out to seem like a really cool date"

"Whew, it would have been bad if it turned out any other way" Ethan said relieved.

I freeze instantly, "Excuse me?"

"You knew this was a date, didn't you?

"Of course. Just wanted to know if you knew." Liar liar.

Then he kisses my cheek and hugs me. At this point I can no longer look him in the eye. Yeah, I've got a shy thing going on.

"Wh-what was that for?" I stutter.

"Dunno", he shrugs, "juz 'cuz"

With that, he jogs off leaving me shocked and bewildered. My life is complicated enough as it is. This has to be some kind of prank. Why would he like someone like me? I'm just plain Jane.


A few days pass and nothing out of the 'new' ordinary happens. Jo and Alec are still running things. Ethan seems to be trying to get closer, but i believe it's some kind of dare from his friends. And me, I still feel as if 20 buses rode over me. Pamela told me that she kind of gave them a jump start and that has made me stop talking to her. It's just irritating especially because Jo and Pamela kinda knew I kinda liked him. No no. I don't like him. I don't even know why this is bothering me. What the hell Roxy, get a grip on yourself.

The bell for lunch goes and I hurry out of my Advanced Maths class. Yeah, I'm good in Maths and I also loooove it. But today i couldn't have cared less what our teacher was saying. I didn't listen to a single word. This whole thing is taking a toll on my school work and I need to do something fast. I'm not about to fail because of some jerky guy.

As I walk into the cafeteria, Phoebe comes and glues herself to my side. I smile at her and we walk off to get our lunch. Unfortunately, no edible food was being served so we decided to go without food. Phoebe went to use the ladies room so i walked to our usual table. Alec and Pamela were there, talking. As soon as they saw me, they stopped and started smiling stupidly. This always happened when they were talking about something they didn't want me to hear. Great. I turned to walk away as Pamela gripped my skirt and jerked me to a seat.

"Ugh, seriously?"

"Yes. Why were you walking away?" Pamela asked smiling in a way that made me want to punch her nose.

"Oh, nothing. Just felt like."

"Liar." Alec snapped.

Please Alec, shut your mouth and leave me alone.

I smiled as real as I could and put on my headphones. Pamela ripped them off and slapped me. I stared at her wild eyed. And then I punched her.

Yeah. That's right. I punched her in the nose. With her own hand.

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