Chapter 6

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"Roxy? Are you thinking of another lie?" Alec said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um no, but another reason why I'm sad is because this hall is painted green and yellow. Yellow is my favorite color so if it was painted only yellow wouldn't it have been much greater? Why did the green have to rob the yellows glory?"

"Wow, you're a consistent liar." He said with a look on his face that made me know this conversation was over. I wasn't surprised because Jo had started waking up. But his words hurt as this wasn't the first time he was saying it.

"So are you going to tell me why you were crying?" He says again, impatiently.

"I've already told you." I reply, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Okay." With that he walks away, heading for Jo. Of course, Jo. Ugh, I was beginning to sound like a jealous wife.

Why is it that every time we end a conversation recently, usually ending badly, I feel like I could have done something to make it better? Anyways, it doesn't really matter now, does it?


Saturday morning, jumped out of bed and put on my best suit.
Hopped in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you....

The lyrics of Rude by Magic blare through my brother's car stereo. It's a black Mercedes and I feel like I'm on fire. In a good way though. My hair is dancing with the wind and I race a little above the speed limit to get to Café de Latte. That's the best café in the whole of New York, well my area. I decided to cover a shift for Princess because she sprained her wrist and apparently I was the only one who agreed. Where were all her friends now huh? I don't know why I have to be all helpy all the time.

During the shift, Alec and Jo walk in, hand in hand. Elck. They take a seat and unfortunately I'm the one that has to go get their order. I soooooo hate my life.

"Can I have your order , please?" I say in the sweetest way possible. Jo looks up at me with a nice fake smile planted on her face. Probably just putting on a show for him. After I take their order, I stand by the kitchen waiting for the food to be done. I hear someone snapping their fingers. I don't bother looking up. What sort of annoying person is that.

"Hey waiter, will you get me my damn order." Oh no, she didn't. That little she-devi.... No no. Nice words only. That schminging blume.

"Your food isn't ready" I say walking over to her.

"Oh shut up." She says, shooting me a disdainful look.

"Excuse me?" I reply in shock.

"Are you now deaf? Leave me alone, I'm trying to text someone."

What the hell? I'm sure this is all because Alec went to the restroom. Somebody hold my rings 'cuz it's about to get messy up in here.

Luckily for her, I'm called to the kitchen. I come back with their order and I notice Alec is back. As I serve the food, she smiles sweetly and thanks me. All this acting is starting to blur my brain.

I'm so thankful when the shift is over. I hop into my car and start driving as fast as the car can go. The road is free so I have no worries. Maybe. I drive to the beach and then walk towards the beautiful waves. It's so magnificent here. People getting their surf on and others sunbathing. Life can be sweet. When you don't have Jo's in it. I laugh at my thoughts and suddenly start a fit of laughter. #I usually do this when I'm depressed or sad#

Gradually my laughter turns into crying. I cry so hard i feel my eyeballs will fall out. I feel a hand on my back and I stiffen. Why can't the world just leave me to cry?

I look up see Logan. He sits beside me and for a while we just seat and look at the waves. Then he starts asking me what's wrong and all those other blast. I draw a stick story in the sand. The story is about how a girl liked a boy and told her friend who went and stole the boy. So basically, story of my life. A while later, we part ways and I head home. On the way I get a text from Pamela.

Hey, since we promised to tell each other everything, here goes nothing. Jo just told me that Alec asked her to be his girlfriend. Sorry love

I swerve and almost hit a bus. Now I know why they say don't text and drive. Or is it drive and text? Who cares. My eyes blur instantly and I get out of the car immediately I get home and lock myself in my room but not before grabbing lots of ice cream and chocolate and and everything sweet and sugary.

I cry and stuff myself with ice cream for the rest of the day. Now my nose is red and stuffy and my eyes are blurred. Well I think the snacks have helped me feel better. After all, stressed is desserts backwards which means ice cream is the answer to all problems. Hehe.

I sleep until the next day and immediately i wake up, I'm knocked with the hard painful reality. Alec is lost to me forever. And the worst part is, he doesn't even want to be my friend again, or at least he doesn't act like it. What kind of best friend immediately stops a conversation when the third party (usually Pamela) leaves. No matter what the subject is, immediately she's gone he turns away and frowns and acts like there I don't exist. Imagine someone who used to start conversations with me and we would talk for hours now avoids me since backstabbing-bitch-mama enveloped his mind and says things like "I'm coming back" but never does language Rox, language. Life is cruel. And very unfair. I fell in love with Alec, and it was nothing to smile about.

It gets harder everyday
And  I can't seem to shake the pain
I'm trying to find a word to say
Please stay
Its written all over my face
That I can't function the same when you're not here
Calling your name but no one's there
And I hope one day you'll see
Nobody has it easy
I still can't believe you found somebody new
But I wish you the best, I guess

Senior Year: It All Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now