Chapter 3

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A week has passed since school started. Quite uneventful. Class after class, day after day, annoyances and irritations from crazy classmates, just the usual. It's Tuesday and I decided to come a little earlier than usual so not many people are in school by the time I arrive. I stroll casually into the hallway and start heading towards my locker only to see something quite shocking.

My best friend hovering over one of my girlfriends. To be specific, it was Joan. My jaw dropped to the ground in shock, anger, hurt, pain and so many other indescribable emotions. But why was I feeling all those. Only shock made sense now.

#Oh wait. You must be wondering where this best friend came from. It's Alec. When I made the bet with him we eventually became besties with a like-hate relationship. Funny right?. Anyways....#

They were smiling at each other. A smile that made me clench my fist until my knuckles went white. I quietly backed away and ran out of school. I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, I should've seen this coming. They'd been acting all lovey-duvey towards each other and I was wondering if there was something I was missing since Jo was usually at Alec's throat. I slumped next to my bike in front of the school. Pamela was just arriving with Pheobe and Janelle.

"Hey Roxy, why the long face?"Pamela asked plopping down next to me.

"Do you know anything about Jo and. Alec?"

"Um.." Pamela scratched the back of her neck and she shifted uncomfortably. Even Phoebe and Janelle looked away, avoiding my eyes. What the heck?.

"Pamela, spill."

"Well, you see, Alec told me and Phoebe during the holiday that he liked Jo and then he told Jo and since Jo's previous relationship wasn't heading anywhere she decided to see where this will take her." Pamela said nervously.

"So you all knew and never bothered to tell me?"I said glaring at them.

"Well yeah, but remember you said you don't like him so.."Phoebe replied.

I picked my bag and stormed off angrily. My so-called best friend couldn't tell me he liked someone and my girlfriends couldn't tell me either. Harrumph, such friends. And they were right, I did tell hem I didn't like him even though they've been accusing me. Ugh. I went to the school's gym and walked straight yo the dummy. A sent punches straight into to dummy as fast and hard as I could. Why the heck was I so angry? After punching the dummy till my hands went sore I fell to the floor.

Just then, the first bell goes off. I hurriedly stand up and rush to my first class, History. I sit at the very back in a corner. Joan comes up to me.

"Janelle told me that you know that I like Alec."

"So?" I snap, looking up at her.

"Oh, nothing. Just checking." With that she returns to her seat beside Pamela. #Quick note...they're supposedly best friends, even though Pamela says Jo acts nothing like a best friend#. Alec then comes to me smiling stupidly. He notices the glum look on my face and then frowns.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there something you forgot to tell me, best friend?".I say looking at him straight in the eye.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that everyone knows you and Jo like each other except me. I'm not surprised though, as I'm always the last to know stuff."

Our History teacher, Mr Kane looks in our direction, and tells us to be quiet.

"Well, it's not like that. I can explain" Alec whispers.

"Please, save it."

Immediately the bell is rung, I leave the classroom. Thankfully, I don't have any classes with them again so it's Adios until lunch.


During lunch, I decide to seat with Princess and Odin. Thankfully, as I was searching for a lunch table besides my usual with my friends, they called me over. Ann saw me and decided to seat there too. As usual, I had taken spaghetti and meatballs, as that was the most edible food for me in our cafeteria apart from burger and chips. They made me forget about the whole liking thing. It was fun watching how overprotective Princess was of Odin and then laughing crazily with Ann.

As I go to drop my tray I see my girlfriends and Alec, Justin, and Logan looking at me. I turned my head away and walked out of the cafeteria to my next class. P.E. I ran to the locker room so I could hurriedly change. I hated changing in front of others, be it girls or boys. I wore my shorts and then decided to put my hair in a messy bun. I had very full black curly hair which was a blessing and a curse. The rubber band snapped and my hair fell back down to my face. Aigoo, really.

I went over to the cupboard where equipments were kept. As I was searching for a rubber band, I heard male voices. What the blume? Isn't this the girls changing room? I peeped from behind a row of lockers and saw a looooot of shirtless boys. OMG. Even though the view was nice I was freaking out. My sports shirt was still in my bag and I wasn't planning on walking out in the midst is those boys in a sports bra.

"Hey, lemme go fetch our balls from the cupboard."

Wait. Like, this cupboard?!?

I started panicking. I decided to stand like a statue in the corner. Stupid idea, right? But it was the best at the moment. I stood like a mannequin as Kyle came to the cupboard. He froze the moment he saw me. So much for my brilliant idea. He walked slowly and stealthily towards me as if I couldn't already see him. Then he reached out his hand to touch my stomach. His hand was getting closer. Closer. Closer.

"Stop!" I said and scampered away from him. 

"Roxy, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked very loudly.

I heard the place quiet down almost immediately. Then the boys started walking towards me, stealthily, but I could still here their feet. My brain went into panic mode. It's bad enough that Kyle has seen me, but I'm not about to let the rest of my class boys see me. Think Roxy, think. Put your brain to work!

I suddenly snatched the shirt that he was holding and wore it. I was fast enough so that when the boys came around I was in his bogus jersey. I decide to make a run for it. I squeezed in between them and carried my things and ran out of the locker room and into the P.E. room. Only girls were in here and they turned to look at me suspiciously but I wasn't bothered until I saw the death glare Kyle's girlfriend, Victoria, was giving me. I facepalm myself. I was still wearing Kyle's jersey.

Just as I turned to change, Mr. Ed walked into the room and asked us to pick a sport, immediately. I quickly dropped my bag and moved to the badminton court just as the boys entered. Mr. Ed was not someone to be disobeyed and the boys were also looking at me funnily.

Ah geez. This isn't the type of attention I hoped to get in future.

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