Chapter 2

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I jump away from Alec and rush to grab and pack my things, but of course, everything comes crumbling out of my bag on the floor. I face palm myself and crouch to pack my things. Even though I'm scared to look up, I find myself glancing at Logan. He's still looking at me but with an amused look now. And Alec is laughing like an idiot. Ugh, I hate my life.

After I'm done packing my stuff, I rush out of the library without looking back. Why did they suddenly decide to come early. I remember yesterday on our group chat#Whatsapp group chat# they said they were coming quite late. Liars. Up ahead in the hallways, I spot Phoebe. I run into her outstretched arms and we hug for what seems like forever. We didn't really talk during the holiday.

"Roooooxy, how have you been?"

"Good, good."

I looked at my watch and realized that people would be coming soon. A few random people had started coming already, mostly lower classes though. I chatted about my holiday as I removed the unnecessary books from my bag. I decided to go and wait in the classroom until our first lesson while Phoebe went off to the bathroom.

The bell went off ring loudly and too many times if you'd ask me. It was only rung like that for special or particular things like lunch, assembly,... Aigoo. Assembly. It completely slipped my mind that there's assembly on the first day of every term. I strolled out of the classroom only to bump into the evil queen of our school. It seems like every school must have one of these right?

"I'm so sorry" I said.

"Ugh, sorry for yourself. Don't get your dorkiness all over me"

Dorkiness? What the heck? Who's she calling a dork?.

I just stare at her blankly as she dusts herself frantically to get my essence off her. I huff and walk away towards the assembly hall. Stephanie is the most annoying, irritating girl I've ever met. She acts like she's better than everyone else and it really gets to me. She's like one of the Plastics from Mean Girls. I don't hate her but very much dislike her guts. Last term we were stuck in the same classes because we were both writing an international exam. I tried to steer clear of her.

Speaking of last term, let me give a brief summary of how it went. A bunch of students, 32 to be precise, wrote an international exam and were in the same classes. During that period, I made a bet with Alec to be nice to him till the end of the term #seeing as I always had something mean to say to him every time I was blessed to see his horrible face# and just so you know I won!

He had a beef with Janelle because she's obsessed with Beyonce and he's not. That was settled. But before that, I found out she liked him. Blech. And also I had several beefs with him. I also had beefs with Pamela and Joan. I think last term was kinda the 'beef' term.

Now to elaborate on the beef. Okay beef is sounding too much like food now. Hehe. Joan was angry because she thought I was stealing her best friend, Pamela. Pamela, well it's not describable. We're friends. Friends have to fight sometimes.


I'm sitting at the very back of the hall. Our hall chairs are like a stadium's chairs. You have to climb up some stairs to get to the back. On my way up, I saw some people I knew, mostly junior classes, and greeted them with a high-five, fist bump or some other way. I see Janelle down at the bottom and wave at her. She struggles and climbs up, plopping down beside me.

"Roxy hiiiii"

"Hey sweetie, how was your hols?"

"Fine, do you know Beyonce is pregnant again?"

I took my eyes at these. Of course, Beyonce. This chic cannot get past a day without giving me some celebrity gossip.

"I'm so happy for her!" She exclaims and hugs me.

"Yay" I say, with fake enthusiasm.

I see Pamela and Joan down below sitting and laughing together. So typical of them to leave us and stay together. Phoebe would have been here but she said she doesn't have the strength to climb up. She seating down below with her fellow Art students. #by 'art' I mean law and commerce students#.

The principal, Mr. Samuel, tapped the microphone twice to tell us all to shut up. Silence gradually swept over the hall. Then the principal started his speech about how we're back to study and all that. He hopes we enjoyed our holiday, reading school programmed and dates, bla bla bla. I zone him out with Wings by Little Mix. Thankfully. The assembly is over soon and I hurry down to my class. My first class is Advanced Maths. What a way to start the term. Janelle doesn't offer this course so we say our goodbyes and separate.

Let's go learn some bad-ass maths.

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