Chapter 7 - Rachel's P.O.V.

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When he blacked out, I panicked.

I never panicked in my life, and I really didn't want to start now. I managed to grab him before he hit the ground. I was surprised how light he was, he was no heavy at all. That added worry in me, but I tried to stayed as calm as I could. I was able to pull him down to the floor with me, for better support. I tried not to stare and plead for help, but my increasing worry wasn't allowing that.

"Rachel?" I heard Nyssa's voice, from Hephaestus' Cabin. I sighed in relief "What's with the mask? What are you doing on the floor? What happened with Octavian?"

"Nyssa, I can't answer your questions right now, but I'll appreciate your help at the moment" I cut the torrent of questions she might ask me until I had Octavian back in his room. Nyssa noticed that it wasn't the moment and, wordlessly, helped me to take Octavian back to Big House. We hadn't walk that far, but I was decided to leave him in another room. I took Nyssa to one of the main floor's rooms with windows looking towards the lake. Maybe that could help him.

"There... All set..." Nyssa stated, after we managed to place him on the bed.

"Thanks, Nyssa" I thanked her. Afterwards, I answered to Nyssa all the questions she did to me, trying to be as neutral as possible. Not like she'd judge me, but I didn't want to give her reasons to agree with me as well. After that, we went outside for lunch, still chatting about random things.

"Rachel, child..." Chiron galloped to me as soon as he saw me, his face a mix between worry and proud. I waved Nyssa goodbye and walked to him.

"Good morning, Chiron..." I greeted him, smiling. He smiled back, though it was short and with great effort "What's up?"

"This box..." Only then, I noticed a box in his arms, filled with different stuff "Was dropped this morning by Hermes' Mail. It's from our friends in San Fransisco" I looked at the box with interest, wondering what it could had inside "These are Octavian's things" And, the interest had die... I looked up at him, not sure what he was saying "He has been officially dismissed from the Legion"

"Oh..." I gasped, not sure how was I suppose to react. I imagined he wasn't gonna be rejoining the Legion anytime soon, because of his wounds and what he did, but I didn't believe the Legion would be so cold-hearted about it. Frowning about my recent line of thoughts, I grabbed the box in my hands and nodded to Chiron "Thanks, I'll, um... I'll take this to him" I promised, my lunch completely forgotten. I walked back into Big House, straight into Octavian's old room. I grabbed the few things that had been left there and packed them with the rest and took them to his new room. I placed the box on his nightstand, with the note 'Inner decorations'. He'll do what ever he wanted.

I needed to think.


I skipped lunch.

I spent the past four hours thinking inside my cave. I just was sitting on my bed, watching the cover of a book, not even reading the title. I used it as focal point of my thoughts. I never been very philosophical about things. If I saw one thing that was wrong, I'd stand in my feet and stop it, or do anything in my power to stop it.

But this was different. I was thinking that a behavior was wrong and people couldn't see it. And, what was worse was that I didn't even belong to the same world as the before-mentioned people! I was merely a guest and I was liking that aspect less and less. I was being looked down, not taken in consideration and treated as if anything of what I do was a whim of my part, because I was a rich girl.

What could be wrong with wanting a little of respect? With being treated just like everybody else? Just because I had a weird gift didn't mean I should be treated differently.

For the first time in years, I was feeling bullied. And, to add in my misery, from people who I thought they were my friends, or they at least respected me. The worst part was the unconscious part of all of it. They didn't realize they were doing it and pointing it out would help nobody.

I was feeling sympathetic and empathic about Octavian's situation. Why he wanted to expose me. Why he was being hostile. Everything made sense now. I laughed to myself, how easy was to see the other side and none of the perpetrators care... I looked around the cave, paintings, canvases, things that reminded me of something that was programmed to control. Kind of Nazi Germany. Not that I was a follower of that idea, actually I hate that, but this was more like that.

Octavian was implanted with an idea: anything that wasn't Roman was a threat for them. Raised like that. Programmed like that. Only to then, been thrown into a tornado of the things he hate, or that he was programmed to.

I can see the method now.

I might see the enemy now.

I certainly see the victim now.

I see now.


Hi, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last weekend, but it was a very hectic weekend, as well as Carnaval and, unsurprisingly, the weather changes made my allergies come back again... Remember, when things get bad, they can get worse and worst!

Anyway, today is a multiple update. I won't only post last weekend's chapters, but also this weekend. Also, I will post my be-late Valentine's Day present to my lovable BF who means everything for me... (In advance, babe, I apologize if the story is crap...)

Anyway, here they are!

Rise of Ouranos (ReWrite) (former collab with LordNitro): 2 chapters!

Maidenhood (adopted from TheColorofBoom): 2 chapters!

Sis/Bro, Your Shadow is Hot!: 2 chapters!

Quest: Matchmade (former collab with Hugs6): 2 chapters!

Masked Hearts (former collab with Hugs6): 2 chapters!

You Call Him Devil, I Call Him Dad - Lucifer: Unique Chapter!

I'll see you next weekend, as I'm planning to have several chapters before I leave on vacations... I'll let you know details!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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