Chapter 19 - Rachel's P.O.V.

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It's been a week since I left Camp Half-Blood.

Of course that, without money or job of my own, I'd have to live back with my parents. It's a necessary evil, I'd say. I try to avoid them as much ss I can, waking up later than they do and spending my day in New York's library or hunting for a job. It's not so bad... if it wasn't for the 'rich heiress' profile. My last name is so known, that many want to give me the job without reading my curriculum vitae (see? My latin is improving!) or kicking me without it either.

I don't know which one is worst.

Of course, thing can and will get worst from time to time. Like, last night. I had this dream where Apollo would try to persuade (knowing Apollo, it was more like a bribe than a persuasion) me to come back. I know that wasn't just a dream, but there would need something a little stronger to convince me about it. And, that lazy excuse of a god didn't even recovered his Oracle... how the Hades would I be useful to him?

Sighing, I stared at my coffee, wondering what to do next, when a guy sat next to me. I paid no attention to him, but I couldn't ignore him when he started to talk to me.

"You still hadn't admitted it, yet?"

Somehow, I knew he was talking to me, but I didn't know what he was talking about. I glanced at him and I almost gaped at him, shamelessly. He was, by far, the handsomest guy I ever saw. His cheeks were square, making his face the same shape. His skin was a rich tan tone and his hair was between a light brown and a blonde, in a layback style. His eyes were the most strange thing: they were purple. He was dressed as a normal business man, but was attracting the eyes of all the females and some males around us.

"Who are you? And why are you talking to me? You're older enough to be my father!" I tried to shake my brain awake by replying rudely. Somehow, it worked, because the guy chuckled.

"I'm old enough to see the birth of the Earth, but that's not the point right now..." Old enough...? I groaned and grabbed my things before walking out the coffee shop. When I was at the door, a teen held it open for me.

"You can't escape your fate, Rachel Elizabeth Dare" the teen said to me. I stared at him, baffled and back at the business guy behind me, before fleeing.

"You know who I am, you know what I can do... and you know what will happen to you" a woman who was waiting to cross the street whispered next to me. I glared at her, well, not specifically at her, more at the speaker.

"And you wonder why mortals picture you as a baby with diapers" I ticked him off, before crossing the street.

"Irrelevant for this conversation" This time, it was a police officer who was controlling the traffic "Accept that you'll be dead before your time if you continue..."

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about" I evaded the question. I could figure out easily why he was talking about, but it was kind of hard to admit it. If I did, it'd be the death of me, literally.

"Did my mother twisted so much the ideal of love?" A kid spoke up, surprising her mother when those words came out of her mouth. I didn't reply, that could only cause me problems with the mother. I walked faster away. I needed to get away from him.

"His ideals of order and his death made you realize something, right?" An old man walked pass me.

"Yes, that you gods are insane and that you're more power hunger than you claim" I responded "Unlike you, some of us can live with balance"

"Ms. Dare" I heard behind me. This time, I thought I was dreaming, because I saw a man with wings in his back. I knew he wasn't the speaker, because I was being drawn towards this new entity. This one was peaceful and acceptance, not a whirlpool of emotions and anger. Even his face shown peace "Your time is not near..." I nodded, immediately recognizing him.

"Thanatos..." I mumbled, as if I was afraid of looking up.

"Thanatos, you should be minding your businesses" A flapping was faintly heard, but a new entity appeared. I was in the middle of the most powerful states in the world and I was more scare of the alive than the death "This is not your business..."

"Actually, trying to rush a death it is my business" I paid attention to that information.

"Accepting your feelings is my business... And she knows the consequences of having them" I was scared to even think about his name. How could someone represent something so beautiful and transform it into something that people despised and fear?

"She would not breaking any law... since her feelings reside in a dead person" Thanatos informed me. I felt myself disheartened. He was really dead... There was nothing else I could do about it... "Ms. Dare? I recommend you admit it to yourself... Neither Apollo or my, er, friend here would leave you alone... Unless you wanna be taken to insanity..." Thanatos recommended me.

I laid on the closest wall, pondering my options. On one hand, if I don't admit it, Apollo and this monster would drive me to insanity, more than I already feel. On the other hand, I could admit that I'm having feeling for someone whose only crime was to see the truth that was hidden behind the crystal of balance. The good side of both of them is that I won't have a premature dead... hopefully. I stared at both gods before nodding.

"I- I have feelings for him... And proud about them, too"


Hello, everyone!

First, I want to apologize for not posting last weekend, but there was a great and heavy storm last weekend and I was since Sunday till past Thursday without electricity! It was a completely nightmare!! I don't wish that to anyone that need a computer!

Anyway, I'll be posting two chapters of each story, since I owe you last weekend's chapter! So, here we go!

Rise of Ouranos (ReWrite) (former collab with LordNitro): 2 chapters!

Maidenhood (adopted from TheColorofBoom): 2 chapters!

Sis/Bro! Your Shadow is Hot!: 2 chapters!

Masked Hearts (former collab with ReeReeWithAngst, aka Hugs6): 2 chapters!

Quest: Matchmade (former collab with ReeReeWithAngst, aka Hugs6): 2 chapters!

Now, for those who live in Buenos Aires, I'll be going to the Book Fair! If you like reading in english you favorite books, KEL Ediciones and BookDepository have stands there *wink wink*

I'll see you next weekend!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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