On What happened to William

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Chapter 10 “The Secrets of William”


Few days back.....


William’s POV

I made a letter to Shiyan and to the other that i’m going to Myuradin and to meet and old friend of mine...his name is Lance Eryokus he was the Dragon and demon beast tamer he had all sorts of tamed creatures..even the Elswyrian Pegasus he had....he likes pets too much as i fix my things for leaving and head to Myuradin and meet my friend Lance...it was early in the morning Shiyan was sleeping and my things were already packed up to leave and kissed Shiyan in the forehead...”See you in the next few weeks Shiyan.”,I get my things and leave the house but before i leave i made Shiyan a lunch and now headed to Lilac Village to go into the Pier and head to Myuradin, as i reached the pier and headed to the boat and it started to move heading to Myuradin there was only few passengers and its so quiet, but i can only hear the waves of the ocean and other peoples blabber. Hours later i reached Myuradin and it was a huge village full of shops and there were many blacksmiths and artisans selling clothes, weapons and many more....i decided to buy clothes for my lovely-dovely Shiyan and especially i bought him a very cute hat (A/N: William , *Sigh* SHIYAN IS NOT A FREAKING DOLL D:< *William’s demon glare*....OK! OK!...), As i saw a farmland full of different creatures i saw a guy which has a dark pink hair that wears a black cape and has fire red eyes....”Lance!”, He turned around and notice me...”Ah! William! Old friend, what brings you here?”......”...It’s about....on...the truth about me...”, He looked at me seriously...”Sigh......is this about on how Lucifer killed you?....But he’s already sealed into the depths of the Underworld”.....But....”,I said hesitating on what i was gonna say....”Spit the beans out William.”, Lance said looking at me very sternly....”Fine....i’ll tell you....but not at this place its quite to crowded”, As we entered his home i saw the twins Pasi and Nimu Jolt their family was murdered and now Lance took the twins and let him live in his farmland...”Big brother William!~”,Pasi and Nimu hugged me as i patted there heads...”It’s been a long time you two!”,Pasi has Red hair and black eyes and Nimu has Blue hair and black eyes they were adorable, but still nothing beats my lovely Shiyan.....”Let’s talk about that later William, Pasi and Nimu would you mind to escort William into the guest room..”,Pasi and Nimu nodded and escorted me into the guest room...they helped me carry my things which it was just one briefcase and as we entered the room it was just a simply room with a beautiful landscape view on the window. It was still in the afternoon until Pasi and Nimu asked me..”Big Brother William....can you help us gather water from the ‘Lake of Seperation’?”,I nodded and smiled at them...”Sure!”...we went to the barn to get some buckets and head up to the Lake of Seperation we gathered 10 buckets of water mostly i carried 3 buckets on both hands while Pasi and Nimu carried the other four buckets and gave the Griffins, Cerberus, Pegasus, Mamoths, Wolves, Sirens, and Harpies some water to drink on. (LANCE IS BASICALLY AN ANIMAL FREAK –William random thought),I headed to the market district in the village to buy some food for the making of dinner for later as i bumped into some random kid...”OW! WATCH YOURSELF!”........until i saw the kids face it was....LYNE GOLDRUST?!...”What in titanus’ face! William! ITS YOU.”.......”Lyne Goldrust? What are you doing here?”.....i said wondering what was she really doing here...”Ughh?.....are you a sudden dumbass who doesn’t know life?”.....”No..”.......”Ugh, OF COURSE I’M COLLECTING OTHER SORTS OF METAL MATERIALS FOR MAKING A NEW WEAPON!”......”Ugh....why?”, I said looking dumbfounded as she gets pissed and grab her cannon-gun and aimed it to me...”YOUR JUST LIKE THAT IRRITATING JOMY! SO FREAKING CALM!”, She pressed the switch and made an open fire in the Village while me dodging it...and screamed out loud...”CURSE YOU CALM IRRITATING IRATIONAL CREATURES!”.....as she cast a mecha magic spell..”Viomrudin!”...Void bombs came out from the cannon as i teleported the bombs away in a very far place which the village will not take damage....even though she made a little huge damage.....Sigh...she’s so childish....”STOP THIS MADNESS!”, Lance shouted at Lyne which made her stop...,”What in THE WORLD?! LYNE GOLDRUST!”.....Lyne suddenly shut up....F-fine...s-sorry..”, Lyne cast a spell and teleported away....after all the commotion happened in the village that Lyne did and after i bought the ingredients for dinner Lance and i head home......our dinner was Mamoth stew, of course since its my favorite i cooked up a big pot for every one and Pasi and Nimu seems to enjoy and they really liked my cooking.....”Woah this taste so delicious Big bro William!”, After eating Lance called me out and talk about what am i doing here.....”So lets get straight to the point....What happened...”,I tried to build my words and explain on what have happened from the past...”I-it....happened...when....Lucifer suddenly ambushed me in the kingdom...”...



“Your highness, The Continent Eran is asking a request that they need our aid for there succession in the war...”,Back when i was a peacemaker of Silturn i don’t really like war and destruction..”Tell them that i will not aid them, it’s for Silturn so that there is no war and chaos in this Continent...”, Many Demons loved me  and praise me because of that i do not wanted war i only wanted peace and happiness for the continent...at that time i was glancing in the big windows beside on my throne in the castle to see the joyful faces of the people in here as the people noticed and shouted...”Look! Its King William...”, I waved at the demons out there as i saw there happy faces feeling blessed to see me....as i closed the window then suddenly i heard someone opened the door heading to the Throne room which where i am right now and saw a familiar face...Lucifer...

“Ah!, Lucifer what brings you here?”......as he held up his sword and attacked me which i was completely defenseless because he was too fast and destroyed Silturn in one blink and made this castle into ruins...while i was laying down on what the damage he did without a word he stabbed me in the back as i can feel myself no more..nothing else but pain....my eyes were seemingly now to close as i saw the beings with Pcinek, Scurtsi, and Legario sealed him and they try to revive me but they thought i was already dead so i was thrown out in the ocean with a very formal coffin until i was in the middle of the ocean a very huge wave threw out my coffin out to the sea and landed into some random house as a Woman noticed and was worried about me (A/N : William was the youngest/successful King of Silturn), and she decided to take care of me...until now..

-Flashback END-

“So that’s how it happened?”, Lance looked at me sadly and felt the pain on what happened to me in the past...as Pasi and Numi entered the room....”Big brother William!, Big brother Lance!”, The twins said seemingly scared....”What is it?”...Lance looked at them...”Kaseuim the Manticore is attacking the Village again!”....Kaseuim....should it be Manticores are only in Silturn? I felt so dumbfounded realizing that after Lucifer took the Kingdom he..catches all of the Manticores and made it use as a tool of war and conquer the whole other continents but other Manticore flew away and changed into different places...All of us head to the Village as i saw many Swordsman, Clerics, Archers, Gunmans, and Sorceres were trying to kill it, But the damage that the Manticore took was just a simple scratch...i took out my weapons ( Dual magic guns and  a very large magic Aegis sword on the back but rarely used) as i was gonna attack at the Manticore Lance stopped me...”I’ll take care of this..please protect the twins..”....I had no choice but to listen to him and just nodded as he engaged to attack the Manticore he released his two thin sharp katanas and run into the Manticore as his wings was sliced by Lance thin sharp swords and chanted a spell but i didn’t hear it because Lance chants is very fast and then suddenly the Manticore rolled over and became to friendly knowing that this LARGE Manticore is just some sort of a ‘puppy’...wait...so that means...his parents is twice bigger than them?...then saw Lance was taming the ‘little’ Manticore....There there you little cute Manti...All the people were relieved as Lance released the ‘little’ Manticore again out in the wilds...I’m glad that Manti is now back again in the wilds....except that Big brother Lance cut his wings...i found it stupid...Pasi said to me and Nimu *Smack*...I heard what you said!...Owhiie!! sorry Big brother Lance!, Pasi ran away ahead from home....*Sigh* Pasi is Pasi...Nimu giggled after he said that, as we all head home to Lance house and have a good night sleep....

-Chapter 10 End-

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