Chapter Six

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

I helped her with her homework and showed her how things worked on her Biology assignment. Her smile was amazing and she smelt really nice.

"So did you want to walk to mine?" Alisha asked me.

"Well it's completely up to you, I mean do you want to be seen with me?" I asked her back. She gave me a smile and took my hand leading me out of the building. She then stopped as we stood in front of the building.

"Marcel, I'm not ashamed of being seen with and you need to learn to stand up for your self!" She said. She placed her soft hand on my face and looked me in the eye.

"I don't normal trust people, but I do say that I trust you." I said giving her smile.

"Good, well why don't you meet me at my locker in 5 an we'll walk together." Alisha said. I nodded and walked back into the tutoring house and grabbed my things I signed a peice of paper saying how much I had done and the. Started walking towards Alisha's locker. I noticed a few people still walking around the school, just a few teachers and maybe a few students. I went to walk around the corner when I spotted Zayn and Alisha's friend Georgia. They were walking towards Alisha who was standing at her locker.

"So Georgia and I have been concerned a out you!" Zayn said stopping just inches away from Alisha.

"Oh really and what's that?" Alisha asked as she turned to face Zayn.

"I don't wont you hanging with that Marcel kid!" Georgia said. Zayn held up his hand and I gasped for hair, but I shouldn't have.

"Look who we have here!" Zayn said walking towards me. I looked around and started to back away but backed into a locker. I looked back at Alisha and she looked like she was going to cry.

"Zayn leave him alone!" Alisha yelled.

"Georgia!" Zayn yelled and that's when Georgia held Alisha back when she tried to run over to us.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. Zayn brought his fist up and then connected it to my face. Ouch!

"Don't speak when not asked I speak!" Zayn spat as he punch me in the face again. I held my face giving Zayn clear view of my stomach which he punch several times before I fell the the floor coughing up blood.

"Zayn please stop!" I heard Alisha cry. Zayn looked behind him and walked up to Alisha.

"Tell me you won't talk or hang out with this fucked up piece of crap and ill stop!" Zayn said as he grabbed her shirt.

"Ok, fine!" She muttered and it broke my heart.

(Alisha's P.O.V)

I can't believe those words left my mouth, for some reason it hurt and I regretted. I watch Zayn walk over to Marcel and he spat on him.

"Zayn was that called for!" I said finally pulling away from Georgia.

"No but why the fuck do you care!" Zayn yelled. I pushed him away and as I went to help Marcel up he grabbed me by the hair.

"For fuck sake Zayn!" I said punching him in the stomach.

"Hey what's going on here!" I heard someone yell. I turned to face the end of the corridor and saw Mr Slaught and a younger boy, about my age.

"Marcel?" I heard the boy ask as he ran to his side. He then looked up towards Zayn who look like he'd seen a ghost.

"Harry, I'm so sorry!" Zayn the stuttered out. I was confused. Harry then grabbed Zayn and flung him onto the lockers. Harry connected his fist with Zayn's face before Mr Slaught stopped him.

"Harry there is no need for that!" Mr Slaught said as he put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"The fuck there is, i leave for a few months and find out my brother is being bullied by one of my mates!" Harry said yelling at Mr Slaught. I crawl over to Marcel and help him stand up. Harry was still focusing on Zayn, Georgia and Mr Slaught.

"Things have changed!" Zayn said.

"I can see that you fuck wit!" Harry said.

"Where have you been Harry?"

"That's none of your concern!" Harry said. He ran a hand through his hair and that's when he noticed me. "So what are you?"

"I, I'm a friend of Marcel's." I said as Harry walked closer to me. Harry looked at me then at Marcel.

"It's good to see you'be started doing something with your life!" He said tapping Marcel on his shouler. "But you are to pretty to be hanging out with him!" He said as he pointed to Marcel.

"Look since its not during school hours I can't deal with this now, but I want you and you in my office first thing tomorrow morning!" Mr Slaught said pointing to Georgia and Zayn. Harry had a grin as we watched Zayn and Georgia walk away.

"I'm sorry!" Marcel said.

"What for, you didn't do anything." I said looking him in the eyes.

"How long have you been here?" Harry asked me as he grabbed Marcel.

"Few days!" I said. I opened the doors leading us out of the building.

"Why are you even here at this time of night?"

"Tutoring, Marcel was tutoring me in a few classes!"

"Yes he's always been good like that." Harry laughed as I helped him put Marcel in his car. I kissed Marcel in the cheek and closed the door.

"So have you heard about who I am?" Harry asked. I looked up at him and nodded.

"I've heard some stories and if what I've heard was try I'm sorry about your friend, but u should get going!" I said with a smile.

"Where do you live, I'm sure I can give you a ride?" Harry asked.

"Down the street from us!" I heard Marcel say. Harry raised his eyebrow and gestures me in the car. I got in and put my self belt on as Harry slowly took off down the road.



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