Chapter Sixteen

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"Marcel, Marcel wake up!" I heard Harry yell from my door. I woke up and put my glasses on. The new ones came yesterday.

"What is it Harry?" I ask sitting up.

"So me and the boys, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn are applying for x-factor tomorrow and i kind of need you to convince mum to come!"

"X-factor? and why can't you convince mum, she likes you better!"

"Because she has been really emotional and i dont like it!"

"Oh come on, how will you ever get a girlfriend?"

"Speaking of girlfriend, bring Alisha if you want!" Harry said. I gave him a nod and he walked out of my room. I looked at the time and it was well past midday. Great, Alisha has probaly worried because she knows i never sleep in. I walk over to my phone on my dresser and i have 5 missed calls and 20 messages which never happens. I scroll down the list and there is Alisha, Harry and Andrew which was strange because i havet spoken to Andrew since primary school. i walked into the bathroom and take my breifs off and get into the shower. Shit i probaly should have text Alisha back so i made the shower quick and texted her as soon as i got out. I wasnt up to contact today so i left my glasses on and got dressed. Yesterday Harry had taken me shopping to get some clothes which i have grown to like and i dont get shaf around my collar anymore which is good. I decide to gell my hair and when i look in the mirror i actually dont look to bad. I put my brown boots on and make my way down stairs. I pull out some cereal and thats when Alisha texts back.

"No phones at the table!" My mother said as she walks into the kitchen. Harry and i look at each other. "Im serious!" She said. i laugh then slide it into my pocket and poor some milk into the bowl.

"So mum Alisha and I are going down to watch Harry audition for x-factor tomorrow did you wannaa come?" I asked.

"Of course i'd like to go, Harry im so proud of you!" Mum answers. She then runs her hair threw Harrys hair before making herslef a coffee.

"Thats great mum, im actually going wih the boys so maybe you can carpool with Marcel and Alisha!" Harry say with a mouthful of toast. I laughed and mum didnt look pleased but she liked the idea of Harry doing something with his life.

"Have you even got yourself prepared, like do you have a song and a name?" I asked.

"Yea sure we are going to sing Torn and well what i was thinking was we can call our selves One Direction." Harry answered. He got up off of his chair and put his plate on the sink. "Well im going out and i'll be back later!" He then said kissing mum on the cheek.

"Be careful and dont get into trouble!" Mum calls out of him. He just waves as he walks out the door. "What are you doing today?"

"I am actually going to go see Alisha!" I said putting my bowl in the sink.

"Well i want you to be careful as well and i'll see you when you get home!" Mum said kissing me on the cheek. Which was a first for her. I smiled and grabbed my keys off the hook and drove down to Alisha's house. When i pulled up she was at the front with her dad.

"You could have walked!" She called out as i got out of the car.

"Yea i could have but i want to take you somewhere!" I said as i walked up towards her and her father. "Hello Mr Scott."

"Marcel!" Was all he said he then gave us a smile and got in his car. I watched him pull out then looked at Alisha.

"So how did you sleep last night!" I asked.

"Better then last night, but i have to ask you something!" She answered.


"Its been a month since i got out of the hospital and yet you havent said why you've stuck around, i havent gotten my whole memory back but any normal guy would have given up as soon as he found out i lost part of my memory."

"Well i havnt said anything because i was hoping you'd remember even the slightest of how i felt about you but since you cant wait i guess the reaosn ive stuck around is because, well i love you, i love you alisha!"

"Aw Marcel, no one other than my parents have actually said that to me!" She smiled before she gave me a hug. I took it as a good sign.

"We've actually shared the feeling if i might add and which you actually know but i wont push what you feel!"

"Marcel i think i feel the same way actually but i havent said anything because i dont ever remember feeling this way, like ever!" Alisha said. I smiled and with out thinking kissed her. It was just a peck but to me it was well needed after so long. I pulled away and apologized but she shook her head and connected our lips once again. With my tounge i asked for entrance which she granted. Our tounges collided and it was magical. I could get used to this.

"So this place i want to take you!" I said breaking the kiss. "Your going to need warmer clothes and maybe an overnight bag!" Alisha looked at me strangly and then smiled. She kissed my cheek and dragged me to her room. Alisha only now had a cast on her leg but she was able to walk on it. Neither of us have been to school but we both decided that we'd convince our parents to home school us and mum said she'd do it which was fine with Alisha's mum, but it wouldnt start for a few weeks.

"So what will i need?" Alisha asked.

"Something warm for tonight and tomorrow morning, because we will have to be back for Harry's audition!" I answered. She gave me a look and walked into her closet.

"I have so many clothes so how warm?"

"Well it gets cold at night time and i would lite the fire but i dont know how to and well tomorrow its meant to be raining so.."

(Alisha's P.O.V)

I hated suprises and well i hated when people didnt explain things better than what Marcel is doing but i made an exception. After the kiss we shared it was like nothing happened, like i didnt loose my memory for that short amount of time. The feeling rushed back so i kissed him back and thats all i could of when i was looking for clothers. i grabbed one of my small bags and put in a pretty sexy pair of underwear as well as jeans jackets and what not that i thought i might wear tomorrow then put a jacket and a scarf on before walking to my bed. Marcel looked at me weird but hey, im a girl.

"Oh about the fire situation, i know how to light one!" I said before walking into the bathroom.

"Well thats always good, we can then be warm!"

"Can you please tell me where this place is?"

"Outside of town, near the lake!" Was all Marcel said. It was stupid because there were three lakes outside of town and i knew that for sure. I gave Marcel the death stare then grabed my bag and walked down stairs he was pretty much on my heels.

"Where do you think your going?" My mother yells from the kitchen.

"With Marcel, i thought since we are going to wait and watch Harry tomorrow that i could stay with they Styles tonight!"

"Does your father know?"

"No but he saw Marcel before so i guess he kinda knows!"

"Just be safe and dont do something stupid!"

"I wont mum, i promise!" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. Marcel waved goodbye as we walked out the door. Marcel being the gentleman opened the door for me and put my bag on the back seat where his back pack was.

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