Chapter Three

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

She was beautiful, I watched her as she pretended to read a book. Lucky the librarian wasn't walking around because I'm sure she would have seen her sitting their on her phone. There were many times I just wanted to go and speak to her while we were in the library but as soon as the period was over I rushed out of the library in hope to get to my next class with out seeing anyone.

I took my normal seat in the back corner of the class it was Literature. Similar to English but better in my sense. There were only a few people in the class when the teacher walked in. Mrs Blackwall was a really good teacher and had no tolerance for miss behaving so every time Zayn, Louis and Niall made jokes in the back of the class room they'd be sent out. As I pulled out my books and got ready for the class I was interrupted when I heard my name.

"You'll be sitting next to Marcel, Marcel raise your hand!" Mrs Blackwall said. I put arm my hand and there she was. She gave me a smile and started walking in my direction.

"Hi," I said as she sat down.

"I'm Alisha, it's nice to meet you." She said. I can not believe she is talking me.

"Nice to meet you too." I said giving her a small smile. I heard a few huffs from Zayn but I ignored them as the class started.

(Alisha's P.O.V)

Marcel that was his name. When Literature was over I walked to my locker and put in my books which made my bag slightly lighter.

"So your not interested in this!" A sudden familiar voice said. It had startled me. That's when I turned to face him, it was Zayn.

"I don't know this, so why would I?" I said rolling my eyes and turning back to my locker.

"Look here bitch, I can make things easy for you or a lot difficult!" He said getting in my face. "So don't get smart with me!"

"Look here, don't threaten me because you don't know anything about me!" I said getting in his face.

"See this is why I like you, so stubborn and more like me than you think."

"I am nothing like you!" I gritted through my teeth. I slammed my locker shut and walked away. I heard some slight comment but ignored them. I headed out the front of the school while everyone was properly enjoying the next twenty minutes eating or catching up with friends. I scanned the front lawn and that's when I saw him, we'll I think it was him he was wearing the same clothes, except his hair was blowing in the wind and he wasn't wearing his glasses. I walked up to him and hen he looked up he shifted.

"May I join you?" I quietly asked. He looked me in the eyes and nodded. He slipped his glasses back and I from the corner of my eye I noticed he smiled.

"How are you enjoying your first day?" I suddenly heard he say. I looked at him and he was looking back at me.

"It's been interesting, I'm used to the attention from guys but for once I want to find something real, I'm so over fake people!" I said.

"Well it's hard to find real people, most if the people in that school are fake." Marcel said. He closed the book he had opened and fixed his glasses.

"Well from what I can tell your not one of them." I smiled. He was smiling back and before he went to speak the bell went.

"Well I better get going, I have calculus the only subject I can get away from Zayn and those boys, it was nice having someone to talk to." Marcel said as he put his things in his bag and stood up.

"Actually I have calculus as well, why don't we walk together?" I asked standing up beside him.

"Look that's real kind of you, but you'll soon learn you don't want to do that." He said fixing his hair. He gave me a smile then started walking back into the school. I sighed and picked up my bag and soon followed him.

"Alisha, hey wait up!" I saw Georgia running in my direction.

"Oh hey, what's up?" I asked stopping in front of the class.

"Is it true?" She asked.

"Is what true?" I asked, I was confused.

"You and Zayn, he has been talking about how he asked you out and you said yes!"

"Wait, that didn't happen and won't be happening!" I said shaking my head.

"What? Zayn is perfect and the person you want to be seen with!"

"Yea I understand that, but I've dated guys like Zayn and he will either brake my heart or will get bashed by my older brother so please don't push it!" I said. I the walked into the class and introduced myself to the teacher and took as seat next to Marcel.

"Ok class, since we have a new student we won't pick up on last semester right away, instead we'll play green frogs!" Mr Gramhan said. The class cheered and we started to form a circle. I didn't know exactly what was going on but the more I observed the more I understood. I looked around and noticed everyone but Marcel was joining in, instead he was writing something down. I slowly got up and went over and pulled up a chair next to him.

"Hey, why aren't you joining in?" I asked Marcel. I must have startled him because he quickly closed his books.

"I, I uh don't fit in, I like being invisible and in noticed because then nothing would happen!"

"What do you mean?"

"Look you'll regret talking me, so if you don't mind!" Marcel said. I gave him one last look then join back in with the class..






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