Chapter Seventeen

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

We drove out of town and i could tense Alisha getting nervous. She had stopped asking questions but was still trying to figure out where exactly i was taking her. I was going to take her before the accident but never did and its just been getting put off. It wasnt long until our long days together would end because we'd be gettin back into school mode and Alisha and I both agreed we'd pay attention while being home schooled because going back to school wasnt what we wanted.

"How long do we have left?" Alisha asked as i turned down a road.

"Not long love, just down this road." I answered. She gave me a smile but then her eyes widen when we hit dirt road.

"Your not going to kill me are you?"

"Well i wasnt thinking about it!" I laughed.

"Very funny, but you know this is how a scary movie starts!"

"You'll be safe with me and i know you'll love what i have instal for you!" I winked. Alisha blushed then the view in front of us caught her attention.

"omg, this place looks amazing!"

"Yea it is, when i was young mum and dad used to bring Harry and i here all the time but as we grew older we dont use it as much anymore."

"Wait your parents own this?" Alisha asked. I nodded my head as i drove closer to the house. As far as i knew no one had been here for a few months but it looked well looked after. When i stopped the car i had to help her out and inside where she was even more amazed. "Marcel this is amazing!"

"Yea it is and it's just us two for the next 16 hours, but feel free to look around and i'll get out stuff so we can get that fire started and hopefully the spa works!" I said as i walked outside, leaving Alisha to explore.

(Alisha'a P.O.V)

Marcel went to get the bags so I started to wonder. The house was like one that you'd see on MTV cribs or something. Marcel's house where he lives was only small compared to this. I walked down a corridor and came across a room that read room 217 so I opened it. Inside looked like a movie theatre, it had a popcorn stand and a bar type thing that hand a huge fridge. There were movie signs everywhere and there were also two doors down some stairs so I kept walking. I saw a poster that read Sinister and instantly thought about being in a scary movie. I open one of the doors and its pitch black. I close it quickly then look around for a light switch, there was one in front of another door so I walked through there and saw shelves stacked with movies and then it had a control button and a small window. I turned on a switch that read main and saw the theatre come to life. There were huge bean bags and reclined chairs everywhere. I walked out of the room the into the theatre. It was massive. I then saw another door so I walked in there and I was surprised yet again with a beautiful bathroom. But another door, I swear there are a lot of doors in this house and I was about to get lost! This door went into a hall way that had more doors. The decoration in this house was incredible. I walked down the end and saw a spiral stair case so I walked up there. This room I would say would be my favourite because this room had an amazing view, the bed was huge and the balcony looked over a pool and the spa Marcel must have been talking about. After admiring the view I hear Marcel call out for me and when I look down there he was looking up.

"I see you've found the room I always stay in!" He calls out.

"Yea this is amazing, wait if you stay here where did your parents stay?" I asked.

"Walk down the stairs and ill show you!" Marcel smiles. I watch him leave then walk to the stairs, when I'm half way down there he is. I give him a smile as he takes my hand. We walk down the hall towards the double doors. Marcel smiles then slowly opens the doors. I was more amazed it had a view but it was different to Marcel, actually it was better just the way it looked over the lake and you could the tallest building in London. As I look around the room there is a huge round bed that sits just right in the front of the window. "Watch this!" Marcel whispers. I watch him pick up a controller and when he presses a button the bed starts to move.

"Omg, that is amazing!" I laugh as I jump on the bed.

"You think that's amazing, go threw those doors!" Marcel says as he points another set of double doors. I give him a glance before I hope of the bed and walk towards the doors. I breath in and out then open the doors. My eyes are wide open as the lights automatically turn on. It's like a whole other room except the walls are covered in racks of clothes and draws. I hold my hand over my mouth as I walked in and took a closer view.

"This is your parents room?"

"Yea, pretty cool ay!"

"Cool! Marcel your like a million air"

"Aha no, no not me, my dad is or was now I guess my mum is." Marcel said. He was looking down at his feet. "And after tomorrow, well I guess Harry will be soon a well!"

"Well you can too, tell me what you want to be?" I ask.

"Well I guess marketing has always been something I've wanted to do!"

"Marketing? Marcel you know you could work with people who have a lot of ideas and earn a lot of money."

"Yea I guess, look are you hungry?" Marcel said. He scratch the back of his neck and he seemed nervous. I nodded and then intertwined our hands as he lead me out of his parents room and down the same corridor we soon got to a large kitchen. It was beautiful the way it had an old style to it. I sat on the stool as I watch Marcel go through the freezer.

"Wait didn't you say no ones been up here for months?"

"Oh yea well no one has actually stayed here but I came up yesterday morning and decided to fill up the fridge and freezer, because I was thinking I'd spend more time here!" Marcel said as he turned on the deep fryer and opened a bag of frozen veggie patties.

"Marcel is everything ok?"

"Fine, you know how you said you could light a fire." Marcel asked. I nodded. "Well do you think you can light that one?" Marcel pointed and I turned around and saw it. You had to step down a few steps where couches made a circle around the fire which was on the wall.

"It's a bit fancy to what I'm used to, but I think I can give it a try." I said. I smiled as I walked over, it was a wood fire which made this house even more better. There was a stack of wood, matches and fire starters which was very helpful because I managed to light a fire and have the warmth hit my fave in not time. When I walked back to the kitchens Marcel had made up a salad to go with the patties which looked really good.

"Alright so it's not exactly what you'd expect but it's what I was craving." Marcel smirked as he carried the meals to the table.

"It's fine, really no one has ever done for me before." I said as Marcel went back to the fridge.

"Well then I'm honoured." Marcel said as he walked back with two cokes. Marcel had a smile on his face which made me smile, he was so perfect the way his dimples showed and his eyes crinkled underneath his glasses and his hair was combed back, he didn't have any gel in it today. This was when I was sure, I was really sure that my memory had fully come back or the parts where I knew I loved him and I knew I wasn't lying to myself because Marcel was perfect.

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