Chapter Twenty Four

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(Marcels p.o.v)

Sometimes i think that maybe if i'd stayed just how i was everything would be back to normal and id still be that kid that gets picked on and no one had to go out of the way. If it wasnt for Harry returning i would be in a bad place, geting beaten up everyday but instead we started talking and she changed my life. Alisha and i have been through so much and i dont deserve her. I keep thinking to myself that maybe if i wasnt round no of this bad stuff would be happening.

While i was rocking myself on the corridor floor i could hear everyone talking but my thoughts kept wrapping me up. Everything bad that i didnt want to happen was happening. I was to weak for this and i didnt know how to pull myself together. I felt a hand on my should and when i looked up i saw Harry looking into my eyes.

"Marcel it's fine, i just spoke to the doctor and he said she is under a lot of stress and doesnt have to engery to be awake.. so we need to give her space." Harry said as he tried to confort me after i ran out of the room when Alisha past out. I started to overthink what could happen for the worse and i started to get worried. Alisha's parents had gone home for the night as well as mum and Harry but with a lot of convincing i was able to stay. I sat on the chair across the room from where Alisha laid. 

During the night a few tears excaped my eyes as i watched nurse come in every now and again to make sure she was ok and to change her drip. I kept blaming myself and knew if Alisha was awake that she'd tell me everything was going to be ok but right now i was so scared. As i go to dose off my phone rings and its Harry.

"Marcel, how is she?" He asked.

"No changed, but she is being watched" I answered standing up and walking out of the room.

"Marcel there is something i need to ask of you!"

"What's that?"

"Well you know how the boys and i are going to through to bootcamp right, well i was wondering during you visits to Alisha you can help us because none of actually know what we've got outselfs into and i know how good you are with the music side of maketing."

"Harry are you serious? its not a good time!"

"I know but Marcel Alisha is showing sign of recovery and she'll be fine in the hospital so please, bootcamp is in 2 weeks!"

"Ok, just give me like a day or two and i'll work with you and your friends just make sure they are actually willing to work with me because i dont want to deal with their crap!"

"I promise Marcel, but for now make sure that girlfriend of yours recovers a quick recovery!"

"Will do, goodnight Harry!" After the call i put the phone in my pocket and tried to make myself comfortable of the chair and waited for sleep to come.

(Alisha's p.o.v)

My eyes opened slowly, a smile appearing on my tired features at the sight of my amazing sleeping boyfriend. He was curled up on the chair beside me. He was wearing his black 'rolling stones' t-shirt. Marcel looked so adorable, i tried to reach over  but that's when pain shot through me. i let out a soft cry but i let out a few more tears before i composed myself. I then laid back down and tried to then pull myself together and ring the nurse. I pressed the button and paitenly waited for a nurse which wasnt to long becase a nurse come in confused but when she saw me she rushed over and started asking if i was ok and it got really irritating.

"Im fine, well apart from the sharp pain when i go to move," I said pointing to my side.

"Ah that would be the broken ribs you have,"

"More broken ribs, they only just healed"

Yes you've been through alot but i'll get you something for the pain but is there anything i can get for you?"

"Food, i really need food!" I said as my stomach grumbled.

"I'll see what i can do" The nures said before she left the room. I looked over at Marcel and he was still asleep. I remeber seeing him before i blacked out, puffy red eyes and sorrow.

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