Chapter Five

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

Another day, I wake doing what I always do best and to me it's the way I dress. Nothing has ever been the same in the house, it's actually quite funny how everything can change in just a few months. My parents blamed me but there was always a problem. Harry Edward Styles my twin and younger by a few minutes always thought he was better than me. Just because he was athletic and was able to do things I couldn't do or we'll I could if I tried but I like the way I am. I'm glad no one has heard from Harry in so long because he was so judgmental and took his anger out on me. I walked down stairs and my mum ha just piped another pill.

"Don't get in the way!" She'd whisper before walking back upstairs. Not much was said in this house. Mum had lost her job and dad almost lost his when he spent his time trying to find Harry but Harry doesn't want to be found and who would after losing a best friend.

It was Tuesday today which I had to attend the tutoring house after school. All the teacher like me because I made their job easier but I hated them because of that. It was their job to teach the students not mine. Anyways I walked into the school like I normally do and walked to my locker, I grabbed my books and put my homework in my locker and slowly shut it so I didn't bring attention to myself. One, Two, Three bells rang and everyone vanished. Into their class rooms they go, except me. Every day I had a free class so I was able to sort myself out. Today I decided I'd sit outside on the bleachers and observe the sport class.

Mr Fitz had everyone run laps. I laughed when a few people fell over but tried to hide my face as they ran on the track in front of me. I was about to get up when I saw her, Alisha she was running and messing around with her Georgia. Oh great if she was in that class that's means...

"Oi Styles!" I heard. I looked around and saw Zayn, Louis and Niall walk up the bleachers.

"Zayn, what is it?" I asked. I made sure my books where in my bag.

"Any news from your brother?"

"I'm not the one you should be asking!" I said nervously.

"We'll I am, and I want to know!" Zayn said. He grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up.

"You know if I heard anything that I'd tell you!" I said. I tried to pull him off of me but it didn't work.

(Alisha's P.O.V)

"Today after school we should go to the mall!" Georgia said as we ran around the track.

"You know as fun as that's sounds, I've been put in after school tutoring for a few subjects because I'm behind!" I said. Georgia stopped in front of the bleachers and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Blow it off!"

" I can't, I actually want to pass school!" I said. I then looked up and saw Zayn with his friends. Zayn had Marcel by the shirt and I couldn't stand it. I jumped the small fence and ran up the stairs.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked Zayn. He dropped Marcel and turned around at my voice.

"Having a little fun, why do you want to join?"

"After all this kids been through you want him to suffer more?"

"What would you know new kid?" I heard Niall ask.

"I know a lot more than you think!" I said. I took another step up and Zayn stepped down.

"Look here missy! I've let your comments slide and I've had it!" Zayn said getting in my face.

" I don't care, this kids lost a brother and you lost two so stop making it worse and get over it, as much as you'd like there never coming back!" I shouted.

"Alisha stop!" I heard Georgia say.

"Yea stop while you can!" Zayn said with a grin on his face.

"Just leave Zayn, I'll talk to her!" Georgia said. I felt her hand on my shoulder and Zayn walked past me. Georgia followed them down. I sat in the bench next to Marcel.

"You really shouldn't have done that!" Marcel said.

"Yea well I did, I heard about Liam and your brother, Harry." I said looking him in the eye.

"Yes well we can't go back to that, now if you excuse me." Marcel said as he went to stand up.

"Marcel wait, don't leave!"

"I have to, they don't want me here!"

"But I do, Marcel I want to ask you something!"

"Well ok, i'll do your homework, but just this time!" Marcel said. I shook my head.

"Marcel I don't want you to do my homework, look why don't you come over to my house about 5, I would say earlier but I have tutoring after school!"

"I, uh, well ok then, I'll see you then!" Marcel said. I let him go and Georgia walked up and sat next to me

"Zayn'a pissed!" Georgia sighed.

"He'll get over it!" I said.

"You wanna hope so!" Georgia said. She the. Stood up as Mr Fitz blew the whistle.

"We'll I guess I won't see you until tomorrow!" Georgia said as we walked to the girls locker room.

"Yea well I'm sure we can hang tomorrow!" I said. Georgia smiled and we said good by as I then walked to the next class. I could have easily seen her at lunch but I had told her earlier I wasn't going to lunch. After yesterday I wanted to find out what that kid Marcel is about.

By the time I actually paid attention to what I was doing it was the end of the day I walk to my locker before heading to the tutoring house. No one was around because who goes to their locker when the bell goes. I grabbed out what I needed and put in what I didn't and started walking towards the back of the school.

I walked up to the tutoring house and there were only a few people. I walked up the the teacher to see who my assignment tutor was and he pointed to the back of the class. I followed his finger and saw Marcel. I walked over and put my things on the desk. When he looked up it was like he scared but at the same time happy to see me.

"How are you? I mean after what happened?" I asked as I sat down.

"It doesn't really matter, it's been 6 months with out someone stopping then but it'll be ok, two more years an in our right!" Marcel said.

"So I guess your my tutor?"

"Oh, uh, yes well what did you need help with?"

"Uh well I think, Calculus and Biology because science and math don't agree with my brain!" I said as I pulled out the two books.

"Why haven't I seem you in biology?"

"Because I was late and missed it or I went to the library instead, look I hate it and its just so boring!" I said as I complained about the class.

"We'll are you going to listen when I tutor you or slack off?" Marcel asked. I was taken back by his question.

"Well for you i'll try and pay attention!"

"Don't do me any favours!"

"Ok I wont, but your still coming over this afternoon right?"

"Right, why is it you want me over?"

"I thought we could talk and I could ask you something!"

"Why don't you ask me now?"

"Because you'll have a reason to say no!"

"So it's bad, it is isnt!" Marcel said, he was working him self up.

"Marcel calm down, it's nothing bad I promise!" I have him a smile and put my hand on his, looking him in the eye.



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