The Village Weapon

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My new Naruto Fan Fiction [:

The Village Weapon


Once was there was a small, but very beautiful village. It was located beyond the gates of Konoha. In this very village almost everything was perfect. No one lived in poverty and was exceptionally well fed. Children played all day, mothers watched lovingly and either cooked or cleaned, fathers enjoyed a long day’s work. Nothing ever went wrong.

That was, until a small child was born. An unplanned child. A mistake. In this village the young girl and her beautiful baby girl was looked down upon.

“Look at the disgrace she holds so proudly in her arms. The unholy mistake made by an ignorant child and a man she doesn’t even know.” One of the village women whispered secretively into another woman’s ear. They all gossiped about the small child. Had they known the woman could hear them would they continue with their hate? Most likely.

Every night the young mother would cry to herself as she watched her baby sleep. She told herself that one day things would get better. Sometimes the father of the child would visit at the late hours of the lone nights. But, he would only spare her a glance or two, his eyes trained on the newborn that looked nothing like either parent. The mother, who had blonder hair and big trusting blue eyes, loved the man before her, cradling her precious baby. The burly father with brown curly hair and dark eyes felt nothing for the younger woman. He didn’t even know her name.

Years had passed and nothing changed. The child grew and proved to be healthy. But, something was different about the child. Not once since she was born had she ever laughed or even remotely smiled. The mother worried that there was something wrong with her daughter as she began to sense unimaginable darkness throughout the child’s soul.

No longer were the villagers whispering. They had grown accustomed to the child’s darkness and grew terrified of her cold eyes.

Her father on the other hand, was happy. Things were going according to plan. And the deceived mother didn’t suspect a thing. Late at night when the mother fell asleep, her father would begin training sessions with the small child. He was amazed at how well she progressed. Not once had she shown any sign of pain when he snapped one of her bones or tore through her skin with one of his dulled kunai. Sometimes she acted as if she enjoyed it, but he wasn’t sure. Those thin lips never moved--not even the slightest. Neither up nor down. Her dull red eyes never showed anything, they would just stare blankly. At times he felt the need to grab at her dark black hair and rip until she at least winced. There was never a sign.

Even he was perplexed by his daughter.

More years passed by and the darkness only grew from each passing day. Luckily for him she was rather obedient. By the age of nine she had completed her training and was far stronger than he could have ever imagined. He felt as if she would be stronger than all of the demon children.

One night he lightly kissed her forehead to show how proud he was. “It’s time,” He confirmed. She just stared blankly--as if in a daze-- and nodded. He patted her on the head and left. Never to look back, out of sight out of mind; forever. The child went the opposite direction from her father, towards the village that was called home.

The child didn’t quite register what she was doing as she slaughtered all of the people that once looked down on her mother’s unplanned pregnancy. Her mind didn’t register the blood squirting out to meet her face as she plunged her bare hand through her mother’s chest. She had only realized what she had done when her mother spoke her last words. “You too, huh?” Her words were only a whisper as she spoke.

The child felt no remorse as the life from her mother’s eyes faded. She just stared blankly; like she always did. A tear left the mother’s eyes and the child wondered what it felt like to cry. The child heard her father’s voice telling her well done or good job whispering at the back of her mind. Her mission had been completed.

She sat at the edge of the window, watching the sun come up. She wondered what it felt like to be happy. Her lifeless eyes watched the ninja investigate the murder scene before them, wondering why they hadn’t heard the villagers scream. They never was a scream, she had attacked before they even knew what happened. She wondered if a normal person would have been amused as they watched the ninja bound through the door to find her covered in blood--the villagers’ blood. His face told her that it wasn’t an amusing situation. Had she done something wrong? Her father told her the Hokage would be proud of her, that she had done him a favor.

“Notify the Hokage.” The ninja ordered. He grabbed her, pulling her towards the main village. People stared at her bloody condition. Some wondered aloud if she was okay. Could the not see that it was other people’s blood, not her own? Why weren’t they whispering about her imperfections?

The ninja ordered for the small child to be put to death for the crime that she had committed. But, the old man refused. It may have been his people that she killed, but she possessed something special. The Hokage was determined to use that. He wouldn’t let anyone else get hurt, though. The child would be taught under him.

That child was me. My name? Kurami. The Hokage determined me not worthy enough for a last name. No one was to show any kindness or approach me. I was only called from my dark room when I was needed. Meals were slid to me from under the door. I was only useful for one thing. And I would only ever be the Village Weapon.

This story was once posted on my other account papez123, do not worry, I did not steal this. It’s still me :3 Don’t report me.O:

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