Chapter Two: The Wonders of Naruto Uzumaki

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The Village Weapon

Chapter Two: The Wonders of Naruto Uzumaki

I threw my bag on the floor next to the door. My nose wrinkled in disgust. Trash littered every inch of the floor. “Have you ever heard of a garbage can?” I asked. He blushed and gave me a cheesy smile. “I guess I should have cleaned, huh?”

“You think?” I breathed out. His apartment was rather small, but still bigger than my room. I could tell from just standing in the doorway that there was only one bedroom. This meant, only one bed. Naruto rushed all over the place, picking up the assortment of trash and throwing it in a metal bin.

“Where do you propose I’m going to sleep?” I asked. I’m guessing the floor. It didn’t matter, I’d bet all I’m worth it’s more comfortable than my bed. Naruto hesitated on picking up the trash for a few moments and stared blankly at the floor. “Good question,” He nodded. He looked around the room as if a bed was going to mysteriously pop into the room. He scratched the back of his head then shrugged. “I guess I’ll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed.” He smiled, again. Why was he being so nice? Shouldn’t he make me take the floor? This was, after all, his house.

I shook my head. “Let me take the floor, it’s only right.” My face was expressionless, like it always was. He didn’t even seem to notice how empty my eyes were. That’s usually how people knew who I was, my eyes. Void of any emotion.

He didn’t even seem to be fazed by my non-human-like behavior. How…peculiar. His smile wavered. “Don’t be stupid, Kurami. You’re the guest.”

“I said I’ll take the damn floor.” My voice sounded eerily calm for an order. His smile disappeared completely, now. His was filled with confusion as he studied me. Was he just now realizing how abnormal I am?

“Fine…” He hesitated. “We’ll alternate. One night you’ll sleep on the bed, next night I will. Deal? Deal. Good, it’s settled, then! I’m hungry; let’s go get something to eat!” He yelled enthusiastically, smile returning. I followed closely behind him after he ran out of the apartment door, not bothering to lock it. This boy seemed rather trusting. This was dangerous, considering the person that I am.

Naruto didn’t seem to notice the glares he was receiving as he ran through the village. That or he’d grown accustomed to it. Some yelled at for things that he couldn’t have possibly done. But, he seemed to shut them all out. Not one of the profanities that were screamed affected him. He would always be that same bubbly boy, so it seemed.

“Look there! That evil wench that the boy is towing around.” I heard panic in the woman’s voice as she spoke. “Do you think they’re plotting against the village?”

“Most likely,” another woman spoke. “Knowing those two, they probably hate the Hokage.”

“Do you think we should tell the Hokage before it’s too late?” And elderly man asked, forehead creasing, making his wrinkles sink in deeper. They quickly shuffled into the nearest building when they saw me staring, listening to their conversation. People were so ignorant.

“Naruto, where are we going?” Even though he was at least ten steps ahead of me, I still talked as if he were standing right next to me. He somehow managed to hear me in the midst of the village noise. He stopped and waited for me to catch up to him before walking again. “Only the best place in the world! Ichiraku’s Ramen Shop!” He painted a picture with his hands and smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. Maybe to him, this was like a Christmas gift?

He ran at full speed when the shop came into sight. And, boy could that kid run! Probably ruining the moment all together, I continued with my slow pace. He tapped his foot and folded his arms over his chest, wishing for me to hurry up, no doubt,

“I don’t have any money…” I blinked when we went inside. He huffed, “Whatever. I’ll pay for you. Let’s just eat.” He pulled me over to the bar and sat on one of the many stools. He then gestured for me to do the same. This boy was nothing like other people that I have met. Others would have wanted me to sit at least five seats away. Hell, a normal person wouldn’t have offered to pay for me.

A strange boy, indeed.

The man behind almost dropped his bowl when he saw me. His friendly face turned into a hateful scowl. “You baka, go on! Get out of here! You’re not welcomed here!” He practically screamed in my face. I nodded, understandingly. I got down from my stool and bowed before the man. A sign of respect.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder. Naruto shook his head at me and looked fiercely towards the man. “What gives you the right to talk to her like that? She’s human, too, you teme.” What is he thinking? He shouldn’t defend me, of all people. It’s against the rules. The man was just doing as he was told.

“Don’t take up for me, Naruto. The man is right. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please excuse me and my stupid brain, sir. Your service was wonderful.” When people insult me, the Hokage didn’t expect me to just accept it, but to also thank them. The people were always right, no matter what. My opinion didn’t matter.

“No, Kurami. It’s not okay for him to talk you like that! C’mon, we’ll just eat somewhere else.” Naruto proclaimed, shooting the man a dirty look. I sighed, he obviously didn’t get it. He looked as if he were one of those people that believed somehow everyone was good in their own way. Even if he was dead wrong.

“She’s just a weapon, son. She doesn’t feel.”

Very shop said the same thing, with different words. But, the message was clear, I wasn’t welcome. Naruto shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked around a small rock as we walked. Our stomachs growled at us, angrily.

“Jeezum, they act as if you killed a bunch of people.” He grumbled. I kept quiet. He had hit the nail on the head. If only he knew how right he was. He stared blankly ahead. “People usually only treat me like that. They reserve that kind of behavior for me. I don’t understand. What could you have possible done?!”

“It’s not important.” He whipped his whole body towards me. He latched onto both of my shoulders and shook my around a bit.

“Not important? Not important?! You obviously don’t understand. I’ve been treated horribly all my life for something I never even did! A freaking fox was placed into my body after almost completely destroying Konoha! Do you think they care that I’m human, too? No. How am I supposed to protect you from something I don’t know about?” He was breathing heavily at this point. I wasn’t sure if it was from the lack of breath, or because he felt that strongly about the matter.

“I. Don’t. Matter. Get that through your head. I am paying for what I did years ago, everyday. I deserve this. I’m hated for all the right reasons. And quite frankly, I don’t care.” My voice was monotone. Like I said, I don’t care. I don’t care if complete strangers hated me, and I certainly don’t care if I killed a village of innocent people.

“How could you say that? No one deserves to be treated like that! You’re a human being, too.”

“Just hardly,”

“What do you mean?”

“On the outside I may look the same as everyone else, breathe, eat, and sleep like everyone else, but, on the inside it’s different. I don’t feel.” my face was blank, my eyes were empty, and my soul was hollow. That’s how it has always been, and that’s how it will always be.

WOOP WOOP! What do YOU think? No, not you…Yes! You! I want YOUR opinion! You are that amazing and special to me that I want to hear your feedback. Surprising, huh?:D


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