Chapter Three: Getting Along

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So, sue me.
The Village Weapon

Chapter Three: Getting Along

Naruto rolled his eyes at me. “We’ll just have some Ramen, I have some at home.” He skipped happily all the way home. There had to be something wrong with this child. Why couldn’t he just be like a normal person, and treat me horribly? Things would be so much simpler. I sighed, slowly following after him.
“So, what’s your last name? I don’t think anyone ever said…” He was preparing the noodles, trying to start small talk.
“I don’t have one.”
“You have to have a last name! Everyone does!….Right?” I shrugged.
“The Hokage didn’t find me worthy enough to have one.”

“But…you’ve had one?”

I nodded. “What is it?” He questioned.
My mind went blank. “I…I don’t remember.” What was my last name? Did I even ever have one? I absentmindedly played with my hair, trying to remember anything from my old life. My memory only replayed the slaughter--my as the star. Yet, I still didn’t feel sorry for what I did.
Naruto opened his mouth to speak, again. I beat him to it. “You know what? I’m tried; I’ll take the floor, tonight.” He looked at me funnily. I glanced at the clock: 4:15 pm. I shrugged and headed towards the other room.
Sleep cam easy. Nothing was ever on my conscience, what was there to feel sorry for?


I awoke earlier than normal. I was use to someone waking me up. Not only that, but I had been prepared for a mission, today. It’s not everyday that a bunch of genin kill my target. It would have been nice to get out of this hateful village I called home. At least out on the world people didn’t know who I was, they just didn’t pay any mind to me. Stupid genin.
I rolled over on my stomach, mentally preparing myself for the day. Naruto was soundly sleeping on his bed, still. I dressed quietly, sure not to wake him. It was way too early to hear his loud mouth.
I figured the first thing I would do was visit the Hokage; assure him that I haven’t killed anyone of the late. People were already hating on me, yet, I still held my head high. To show that their insults didn’t affect me.
“Good morning, Hokage.” I tried to sound cheerful, but my voice came out flat. He didn’t seem too happy to see me. I guess my presence was equal to the plague to most people.
“What did I tell you about just walking in her?” He glared. I looked between the door and him. “Oops…”
“So, what do you want?” He queried, flipping through papers on his desk. I drifted closer to where he sat, wondering if there were any important missions for me to go on, one outside of the village gates. Anything but hanging out with a bunch of genin and their sensei. He eyed me, suspiciously.
I rocked on my heels. “Just wondering if you had any missions for me…”
He lightly chuckled. “Don’t like your current mission, eh?” I snorted.
“You call that a mission?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re too difficult…”
“There’s no challenge! All I’m doing is babysitting.” My voice raised a volume higher. Why couldn’t he give me something life-threatening? He shook his head at me. There was a knock on the door. “Come in,” He called.
Kakashi walked in, watching me cautiously. The Hokage snorted out a laugh. “She won’t bite.”
“How would you know?” I flashed my teeth at him. Kakashi made sure to put more space between us. People these days…
“I just wanted to go over some details with our uh…temporary team mate.” The jounin was serious and dull sounding. The Hokage nodded. “Very well. Kurami, you should get to know your teammates. We’ll discuss missions later.”

I bowed, and then skillfully jumped out of the window, landing quietly on my feet. Village children clapped. But, when I looked up, they all ran away. Some of them even screamed. How would that make a normal person feel?
Naruto was exceptionally happy to see me; Sakura was weirded out by my behavior. The third genin hadn’t showed up, to bothered to meet with us. This annoyed Sakura, and kept Naruto in the best mood.
Sakura poked me in the chest; I’m assuming it was suppose to hurt me. “Listen here, Kurami, you stay away from my Sasuke, you hear? You try to even talk to him more than needed; your death will be on my hands. We wouldn’t want that, would we?” Naruto’s eyes were as wide as golf balls, his cheeks flamed a bright color of red.
I removed her hand from my chest, squeezing it ever so slightly. She winced. “I could care less about you and this Sasuke boy. Just don’t touch me, again, if you want to keep this hand.” She was about three inches taller than me; my head was to her chin. I may be shorter than her, but I could tell I was far stronger than her. She could sense it, too. Sakura may be weak, but she wasn’t stupid. She slowly backed away from me.
“Good girl.”
Naruto seemed shocked that Sakura backed down. Was it often that she picked fights? She’s stupider than she seems.
“Shall we go uh…train?” He asked. Sakura groaned, “I’m hungry. Can we go somewhere to eat, first?” Naruto seemed unsure. It was obvious he would do anything she wanted, but didn’t want to leave me out. We were, after all, suppose to get to know one another.
“You two go ahead, I’m going to train. I already ate.”
“You sure?” The blonde worried. I just nodded, and then left. There was no sense in ruining his day. When I arrived, there was already someone there.
Looking closer, I noticed it was the third member of team seven. He was practicing throwing kunai. I had to say, I was quite impressed with how good is aim was.
He quickly turned to where I hid in the trees, assessing the area. His eyes changed from the last time I saw him. They were now red. There was no doubt in my mind that he knew my exact location.
“I know you’re there.” He called to me. I rolled my eyes. No dip, he was using his sharingan, of course he could see me. “Show yourself,” He demanded.
I snorted, he wanted me, he was going to have to come and get me. I made myself comfortable, sitting on a branch. The boy seemed rather annoyed, and began climbing the tree. His impatience was the key.
His aim may be good, but mine was better. I threw a kunai at him, cutting his arm. He looked genuinely surprised; he had obviously not seen that coming. Genin were too easy.

Bah dah dee dum♥ It may have been boring…sorry/:


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