Chapter One: Pointless Mission

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The Village Weapon

Chapter One: Pointless Mission

“Kurami, the Hokage would like to see you.” A gruff voice spoke from behind the heavy wooden door. A click was heard and then retreating footsteps. I rolled my eyes at the unknown man. It sounded as if he had run. Even most of the ANBU were scared of me. The little girl that had murdered her whole village.

I rolled out of the hard bed and pulled on the uniform they gave me. Just a black leather jumpsuit that fit like a second skin, knee-high boots, and fingerless gloves. Grabbing my katana I exited the tiny room. Everything I owned was black. Mostly because the villagers thought my things should resemble my soul.

They saw me as nothing more than evil. Even if I did dedicate my life to saving them. Although, it wasn’t my choice, my soul is as empty as they say. I felt nothing. The only colorful about me was my dull red eyes.

My shoes clicked on the stone cold floor. Not many people ever came down here, the Hokage kept me in the basement of his tower. He had feared that I’d slaughter his ninja or the population of Konoha. But, that’s were he was wrong. I would obey him. I hadn’t a reason not to.

The people that were talking through the corridors pressed themselves against the walls to avoid me. Did they actually think I’d attack them in broad daylight, with the Hokage a few doors down? Suck simpletons.

I tapped on the Hokage’s door once before just walking in. He stopped in mid-sentence, talking to three genin and a jounin. “What did I say about just walking in?” The old man scowled.

“I knocked.” I threw my hand over my shoulder and pointed to the door with my thumb. He sighed, rubbing his eyes with one hand. “Just close it,” I shut it with my foot and stood in a corner, waiting for them to finish with whatever they were doing.

“Uh, shouldn’t she wait for us to finish?” The jounin spoke. He obviously didn’t know who I was. Most people didn’t. There was a few that saw me walk through the village gates covered in blood, being towed by a jounin. But, other than that the matter was like the boy who carried the nine-tailed fox inside of him. Not to be spoken of. The people that did know about it avoided me like the plague, though. The rest followed the Hokage’s orders, even if they didn’t understand; they still hated me.

“She’s fine, Kakashi. I asked her to come.” He waved and smiled. My gaze lingered on his mouth. What did it feel like to smile? The only reason my mouth ever moved was to talk.

The jounin, named Kakashi, looked at me through one eye. His mask covered face portrayed no emotion, and if it did, I didn’t notice. His eye then crinkled and the material of the mask lifted a bit. Was he smiling, too? People made no sense. What’s there to be smiling about?

“Kurami, team 7 has just gotten back from a very difficult mission. They have exterminated one of the ex members of the seven swordsmen. Zabuza.” my eyes traveled to the three that looked no older than me. The shortest was a blonde boy, but even he was a head taller than me.

“These genin?” I snorted. There was no way. ANBU couldn’t even track him. It was my mission to kill him; I had been due to leave tomorrow.

The blonde and pinkette yelled insults varying from my height to my dead family. The raven-headed boy tried his hardest to look emotionless, but his eyes betrayed him of the confusion that he felt. Kakashi rubbed the back of his head.

The Hokage ignored them to introduce me. “This is Kurami. She is the village’s weapon. I can’t go into detail, but she will be around you guys a lot until the end of your next mission.” Kakashi was suddenly alert, eyeing me warily. So, he did know about me. The genin all looked clueless.

“What’s a village weapon?” The blonde asked. I could tell the Hokage didn’t want to go into detail because it might ‘upset’ me.


“I am the Village Weapon. Weren’t you listening? I committed a ‘terrible’ crime when I was smaller. My punishment is a lifetime of servitude.” I spoke in a bored tone. The Hokage coughed and Kakashi looked uncomfortable.

“We’re not to speak of it.” The old man reminded me. I shrugged. “I don’t see what the point is. I did it; shouldn’t I at least be free to talk about it?” There really was no point. People were always going to fear me. It didn’t matter if they knew what I did or not. They would always outcast me, it was a rule ordered by the Hokage himself.

“Rules are rules.” I could tell he was getting frustrated with me, even if his face lacked any emotion. I sighed, knowing not to push the matter further.

“Why do I need to be with them for every second of their life?”

“For security matters. They killed a very powerful S-ranked criminal. You are to make sure they won’t get ambushed from one of his old friends.”

“I can’t protect every ninja after they kill some random rogue ninja. Do you think they would actually come to the village? Don’t you think this is a little unfair?”

He ignored me. “You will be training with them, eating with them, and going on a mission or two. Enjoy your freedom, because after the chunin exams, you’ll be back here.”

“I don’t need someone to baby sit me! I’m going to be the Hokage one day, believe it!” The blonde yelled.

The Hokage stared blankly at him for a few minutes. “Well, it looks like you’ll be staying with Naruto. Bring him with you to pack.” I nodded and headed for the door. Naruto anime fell and cried out, “Life is so unfair!”


I had to literally drag him by the ankle. He wouldn’t shut up about his head hurting when we reached the stairs. Half way down, he decided to walk, and started rubbing the huge knot that formed on the back of his head.

He looked around the winding hallway in wonder. “You live down here?” I nodded. My mind was a million miles away at the moment. I was in my nine year old body training with my father, again. Why did he want me to kill all those people? I never understood that. What was the reasoning?

“Kurami, hello?” Naruto waved his hand in front of my face.

“Err, yeah. Sorry. What were you saying?” I blinked.

“Are you going to open the door or are we just going to stare at it all day?” He laughed nervously. I shook my head, as if to clear my thoughts. It was in the past, no use in wasting my time thinking about it.

I pushed the door open and stepped in my small, dark room. There was only one light in my room, which was a small oil lamp that sat on the table beside my bed. Naruto’s eyes got big and he rubbed his arms. “It’s cold in here, and so small.”

I glanced at him at him retrieving my bag from the small wardrobe. “Yeah, so?” He just shook his head, studying the small space. He walked over to the table where I kept all my documents and ate my meals.

“What’s this?” He asked holding one up. It had one word on it--my name.

“My file, holding all the people I’ve killed on missions and my crime.” I shoved the last bit of my clothes in the bag and threw the files in with it. I held my hand out to him, wanting my file.

Naruto reluctantly gave it to me, staring at it longingly. “Why can’t you talk about it?”

“Same reason why you can’t talk about your demon. Now, let’s go.” He looked stunned and his face paled.

“You’re not scared of me?”

“Honey, if only you know what I did. I’m scarier, trust me.”



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