Chapter Seven: Odd Sensations

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Following that night’s little confession, squad 7 was bombarded with missions.

“But what about training?” Naruto whined to Kakashi, who calmly read his book,

“Think of these missions as a special type of training.” Naruto huffed and crossed his arms with a pout,

“Babysitting is not training…” He complained under his breath. I rolled my eyes at his behaviour and faced Kakashi,

“I will accompany you on this mission, on orders of the Hokage.” Kakashi stared at me for a moment.

“But, don’t you seem to… uh… scare children?” I didn’t falter.

“It’s not as if I’m doing this on my own free will.” Kakashi laughed nervously,

“I guess…”


“Good job.” The Hokage praised with a smile, he completely ignored me. I stood in the corner, staying out of sight and acting as if I wasn’t in the room.

The Hokage searched through a few papers before smiling, “I have another mission for you.” Naruto’s loud moan of annoyance echoed throughout the room.

“What is it now, Naruto?” Sakura snapped, placing her hands on her hips. The blonde pointed at the Hokage accusingly,

“You keep giving us missions! What do you expect us to do when the chunin exams come around, huh? I refuse to be one of the weaklings!” Sasuke grunted, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor harshly.

I knew he didn’t like getting the mission’s either; he just had too much pride to complain about it, unlike Naruto. I also knew that my presence alone ticked him off, but there was nothing I could do about that.

“Hokage.” I stepped forward, surprising everyone. The old man’s eyes flickered to me, his gaze as icy as Antarctica.

“What is it, Kurami?” He asked, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice.

“I think that you should give them a mission outside of the village.” Naruto brightened up,

“Yea yea yea!” He chirped, bouncing up and down from excitement.

“Shhh! Be quiet Naruto!” Sakura hissed, putting Naruto into a headlock, “Don’t get involved!”

“They complain so much about not getting enough time for training,” I continued, “So maybe, if you give them a mission outside of the village, Kakashi could figure out a way to train them while their out.” The Hokage thought about it for a split second, before sighing.

“You make a good argument. And I admit that I’m not giving this team as much time to train as others, and I’m sorry.” The hokage brought out another piece of paper, “This is a mission for a farm not far from the village. It’ll take you about 2 days to get there; you’ll help out for about three or four days, then you will return.”

“Yes!” Naruto cheered as he jumped around the hokage’s office with excitement.

“Oh shut it!” Sakura snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Do you remember what happened last time we went outside of the village?” Sakura huffed with a pout.

“Hn.” Sasuke grunted, staring straight at me, “Are you coming?” He asked with a glare, which I matched with my own icy stare.

“Of course I am, it’s my mission.” Sasuke pointed at me, his teeth showing,

“We don’t need you! I’m strong enough to take care of this team!” My own retort was cut off when I felt something weird in my chest. It was tight, and uncomfortable. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to identify the feeling.

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