Chapter Six: Sincerest Apologies

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The Village Weapon

Chapter Six: Sincerest Apologies

I slowly followed behind Naruto, not wanting anything to do with the snot-nosed brat. Why was I even cooperating with him? I had nothing to gain here. But, then again, something about this mentally challenged boy made me want to follow him. If I could hate a person, now would be the time to start.

“Kurami! Hurry, or he’ll never forgive you.” Naruto whined, reaching for my hand. Only, this time I didn’t stop him. I was testing out the foreign feeling of his palm in mine. And, just like before, that strange feeling settled itself in my stomach, making it impossible for me to ignore. It unsettled me.

I felt as if I were behind enemy lines, readying myself for ruthless killers to attack. But I couldn't fight this with weapons, which was a change.

I don't like change.

“Konohamaru!” Naruto yelled cheerily, letting go of my hand. I sighed, in what would have to be relief; making a mental note to never let that happen again.

The young boy squealed at the sight of me, and just like before, hid behind Naruto. I rolled my eyes. Talk about déjà vu.

Naruto sighed, shoving the boy in front of me. Stumbling, Konohamaru fell on his hands and knees before me. Almost as if he were bowing before a king. “I’m flattered, really.” My voice was dull, with the slightest hint of sarcasm.

He jumped up, pointing an accusing finger at me. “I know who you are, demon!” He yelled.

“Good for you. Do you want a cookie?” I mocked in, what I hoped was, a sarastic tone. Naruto stood in silence, mouth wide open. Unfortunately, that silence didn’t last very long.

“You know what she did?” I stared at the blonde, unblinking. Why did he want to know about me so badly? It wouldn’t change anything, wouldn’t make a difference.

Konohamaru nodded solemnly, eyes bigger than tennis balls. I could almost feel the excitement grow in Naruto as he grasped the Honorable Grandson by the front of his shirt.

“You gotta tell me! C’mon on, we’re pals. Tell me, tell me!” Naruto’s victim shook his head.

“I can’t,” he cried. “The old man would kill me!” They both stared at each other before bursting into tears. I sighed, holding the bridge of my nose. Idiots. I am surround by idiots.

“Can we get this over with? I really don’t wanna be here.” I was actually amazed at myself. Nothing was actually stopping me from leaving, so why wasn’t I?

Naruto cleared his throat, brushing himself off. “Right.” He nodded. “Konohamaru, Kurami has something to say to you.” They both watched me cautiously, as if I were sworn to cannibalism. I stand by my earlier statement. They were both a bunch of idiots.

I stared back at the brown-haired boy, forming a conversation between the two of us, in my head. Planning at every angle. All I had to do was utter a few words, then I could go sleep.

“I…” My voice faltered and the boys’ glares got menacing. I slit my eyes, giving him an even scarier look, making him whimper. “I apologize for earlier’s mishaps. Don’t take this to heart, because I really don’t mean any of it.” Naruto glared at me. “But, I hope we can put this all behind us, and I hope to never see you, again.”

Konohamaru smiled, “Sounds good to me!” He then ran off, without even looking back, giggling the whole way. He reminded me way too much of Naruto, and I had to say, it was extremely creepy.

Naruto sighed, walking in the opposite direction. “That wasn’t much of an apology.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “You never said I had to be nice about it.”


It was my turn to sleep on Naruto’s bed, meaning he had to sleep on the floor. Yet, he was in the bed, with me.

“Do you want me on the floor? I really don’t mind…” I eyed his body wearily, clad in only his boxers and a t-shirt. Much different from his regular orange jumpsuit. I certainly seen more of his body than I was used, and I wasn’t quite sure what to think of it.

He made himself comfortable next to me, sitting way too close. “Nah, I’ll just lay her. I plan on being intrusive for awhile, and make you tell me everything about yourself.”

“And, if I refuse?”

“Guess who’ll have a new sleeping buddy?” I shivered at the thought, although it quite intrigued me. For my sanity’s sake, I’d play along with his little game. What was the harm of him knowing things about me, anyways?

“Where are your parents?” His full, undivided attention was on me. It was actually quite fascinating considering this kid had the attention span of a rabid baby on crack.

Considering he was most interested in my past, this was a strange way to start. “Mom’s dead, dad’s MIA.” Know that I think of it, I never even knew my father’s name.

“Where were they when you committed your crime?” Naruto was dragging this out for as long as possible, waiting for the right moment; building anticipation. Well, I guess he was right to. He won’t ever have a chance to get me talking like this, again.

“My dad was sort of the reason I did it…” I played with my hair. “My mom was a victim.” Naruto’s eyes turned to slits, and his body became frigid next to my own. There was no doubt in my mind that he was imagining the death of my mother, created with my own hands. He had to at least suspect it.

I sighed, roughly running my hand through my hair. Here goes every decent thought he has ever had about me. “Naruto, the reason everyone hates me, and treats me like I’m the plague is because I’ve slaughtered my whole village. Every man, woman, and child. Back when I was only eight.” He was quiet, lost in his own thoughts.

“Why?” He whispered, no longer able to look at me.

“I didn’t know any better. He said- my father said it was the right thing to do, that the Hokage would be grateful.” He continued staring off in the distance, his hand teased the hem of shirt.

“The past is the past. We’ve all done things we’ve regretted. All we can do is to hope to learn from it, so we never make the same mistake, again.” His hand gripped at his stomach, at the exact spot where the seal mark was. Naruto was in his own world, reliving some distant memory that would most likely be unknown to me for as long as I lived. For that, I was grateful. The memory didn’t seem very pleasant.


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