Chapter 22: Back to Demon World

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The caw of a crow was Nunnally's alarm clock. Her neck was stiff as she lifted her groggy head. It was very early in the morning, dawn perhaps. It was hard to tell due to a dense fog that hung in the air. Nunnally could barely see three feet in front of her face. However, she could see the mud that clung to her clothes. It was clumped in her hair and she could feel it in places it shouldn't have been. She glanced down, seeing Hiei much better in gray morning light.

He was lying on his back still, head in her lap. He was no longer holding her hand. He was covered in mud from head to toe, clothes still damp from the rain like hers. Nunnally could finally see how dirty his face was, and she wasn't referring to the sediment. There was dried, black blood smeared all over. But to her surprise she couldn't find any wounds, scratches or gashes that could have been the source. It only made her imagine what she looked like. The thought made her noticed something else. Her ankle didn't hurt anymore. It looked normal, not swollen or twisted. That was odd.

So was the fog. It felt like she was being watched through the thickening haze before her. She didn't feel threatened by any means, in fact, she felt like she should have been accustomed to it by now. However, it was starting to make her ill at ease. Despite Hiei's contentedness and boyish sleeping face visible through the grime, she wanted to go home.

"Hiei," she called.

Nunnally was shocked when he brushed her off and rolled onto his side, burying his face into her thigh. She never imagined Hiei would give the universal sign for 'five more minutes'. But he clung to her like a four year old would with a teddy bear as he continued to sleep. It was a mystery as to how he could be so comfortable. As, dare she say it, cute, and quite out of character for him, she still wanted to leave. She leaned down, her lips against his ear.

"Hiei," she whispered, fingers tangled in his muddy hair trying to nudge him awake without startling him. Her other hand was gently gliding along his back. He didn't respond as expected. It sounded as if he was—purring. Nunnally tried not to laugh, "it's time to wake up."

When she sat up straight his eyes were partially open. He was staring straight ahead. Then his eyes shifted to look at her before sitting up. It was like watching that same four year old child after finally being dragged out of bed in the morning. His shoulders were hunched and he let out a big yawn. He kept blinking repeatedly, trying to clear the sleepiness from his eyes.

"Good morning," her tone teasing. "Sleep well?"

"I did," Hiei rubbed his eyes with his palms, his voice full of drowsiness. "Surprising well considering."

Maybe being half-asleep made Hiei very honest. "I noticed." His vulnerability was endearing.

Suddenly, like the flip of a switch, he was back to normal. No more half asleep, droopy eyed expression. He was staring at her, fully alert and functioning. Then his eyes narrowed, he reached for her face. He cupped her chin and turned her head every which way.

"What are you doing?" She smacked his hand away.

"Your injuries are gone," he stared a moment longer. "Hmph, you look like crap."

"You have absolutely no room to talk," she growled. "But your injuries have vanished, too. And look, my ankle." Nunnally wiggled her foot; it was fine.

"Hmm," Hiei grabbed her arm and unwrapped the bite. It was still there. "We must have had a visit from our Good Samaritan. And he must think this is important or he wouldn't have left it alone."

Nunnally rubbed her arm. She didn't like the fact that they both slept so well while letting someone get so close. And the fact that they would believe the chunk missing out of her arm was significant.

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