Chapter 10: Boom Goes the Dynamite

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"What the hell Nunnally!" Jamie was fuming. The vein in the middle of his forehead was sticking out, a good indicator that he was completely vexed. "Why would you ever willingly let someone like that into your life?"

"He's not like that. Obviously Koenma must agree."

Her uncle rubbed his temples, attempting to calm down. He had barely listened to her after she explained Hiei's inheritance. She knew that Jamie needed to accept Hiei like she had but she felt like there was another reason she needed to defend him.

"Why couldn't you have mentioned this in your letter or last night before I had agreed to let him visit Bartholomew?"

"I hadn't planned on telling you at all."

"That makes me feel better... You probably could have gotten away with it." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Hiei made the point that I should tell you the truth."

"Did he now? That's just dandy." Jamie was back to shouting.

"You don't know him so don't compare him to Bartholomew."

"How well do you know him? It's been what, a week since you actually met him. And why would he ask to go meet Bartholomew in the first place?"

"He didn't say but it's not what you think."

"What am I supposed to think? You just told me that you have evidence of other men just like Bartholomew and one of them is what, sleeping on your couch?"

"Jamie." Her voice was stern. Her uncle's eyes widened. "Hiei is not like them. He offered me his help."

"You bribed him is what you did."

"At least he's thinking logically."

"I just," he sighed. "I don't understand baby girl." He paced in a circle before resting against Koenma's desk.

She leaned against the desk beside him. "I know. But I trust him and you should trust me."

"Why do you trust him?"

"I don't really know. The way his friends talk about him, I guess. I just know that despite his demeanor I have this gut feeling that he's a major ally."

"And you trusted him enough to tell him about your past..."

Nunnally nodded. It wasn't like she was close with Hiei by any means but she trusted his word. Knowing he was on her side made her feel at ease.

"I don't see how you ever thought I'd be open and accepting to news like this."

"I didn't, that's why I wasn't going to mention it. Hiei thought you'd be even more upset if you found out any other way."

"Why compromise his chance at meeting that beast?"

That was a very good question, one she'd have to demand an answer for. "The word 'trust' comes to mind."

Jamie shook his head. "You really trust him?"

"I do. It's not like you sensed anything vile about him, did you?"

"Okay," Jamie crossed one leg over the other and let out a sigh. "You're an adult and you can make your own decisions. But if you get hurt because he didn't protect you at any point during this nonsense, I will not hesitate to end him."

Nunnally rested her head on his arm. Jamie could be stubborn but she knew he was protective because he loved her. He had no obligation to her; no reason to keep her, not even for his sister's sake but he treasured her. And she loved him deeply. He had raised her, taught her, and now he was struggling to let her go.

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