Chapter 6: A New Partner

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"We need to talk." Nunnally burst through the doors to Koenma's office the next afternoon.

Koenma looked up from some paper work, the look on his face grave. "Yes we do."

Nunnally was taken aback. She wasn't expecting such an attitude. But the expression Koenma gave her sent chills up her spine.

"What happened?" Nunnally's voice was low.

Koenma slid a file off the tall pile on his desk. He opened it, turned it around and slid it toward her. She took it cautiously. The file contained photos; photos of bodies like the one form the alley and the morgue. There was a new woman in the file.

"I have a feeling this isn't what you wanted to talk to me about. Kurama already showed me the photos from the warehouse. But we found this body yesterday during your investigation. Both cases are very unfortunate but I believe they are two separate incidents. I know what you must be feel..."

"You don't know what I'm feeling, Koenma." Nunnally threw the file on his desk sending the photos scattering.

"I just know that it's hard for you."

"Hard for me? Of course it is. I know what it's like to be on a chopping block. You don't, so don't even pretend. I appreciate your concern though, I really do. It means a lot to me. But I don't think I can handle these murders happening simultaneously. You need to give me one case or the other, please."

Koenma closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "Do you have a preference?"

"You should know which one I want."

"Just making sure." Koenma gathered the photos and closed the file. He pulled another, much thicker file out. He handed them both to her. "You'll need these."

Nunnally took them. There was an indescribable weight pressing on her chest. Why now? After 7 years, why? She shook her head. Keep calm, she told herself.

"Would you like any assistance? Naturally I'll provide you with it whether you like it or not but I thought asking would be polite."

"I think I have the perfect person in mind."

Koenma managed a smile. "Very well then. I'll leave this to you." He stood up. "You'll also need this." He handed her an address.

"What's this?"

"Just before you got here, we received another tip about a body. If this is your case, you'll have to go inspect it."

Nunnally nodded. She thanked Koenma and left. As she walked down the hallway, she clutched the files close to her chest. A familiar nervousness crept over her. Where to even begin?

Suddenly she sensed something. She paused. "Are you trying to get caught or are you just that arrogant?"

"The former is most correct I assure you." Hiei was behind her, his back against the wall.

"So is this how you conduct research? You eavesdrop?" She turned to him.

"It merely gives me a starting point. Besides, I acknowledge that I must gather my knowledge quickly."

"So you're playing catch-up? You, one of the fastest demons in any world?" Nunnally was taunting him.

"Hmph. You know more than you let on, that doesn't sit well with me."

Nunnally grinned to herself. "I can catch you up pretty quick if you'd like. You just need to ask."

Hiei's eyes narrowed. Was it possible he never thought it would be that simple? Then again he did ask, he just wasn't persistent enough.

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