Prologue (Makita's POV)

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                I sat in my room, feeling despair flooding me. The forest green walls felt as if they were closing in on me, caging me inside. I couldn’t escape. I collapsed onto my multitude of pillows, wishing I would fall asleep. I knew it would not happen. A heavy thud came from downstairs. I jumped. Loud, infuriated voices flowed up the stairs. “You bitch! You’re fucking cheating on me!” My father’s deep voice yelled. I could hear a loud cracking sound, followed by my mom’s scream of pain. I flinched.

            “I’m not! I swear!” She screamed. I felt my heart constrict. Please God, help us. A tear rolled down my cheek, brushing my lips. I felt the floor vibrate with the force of his fury. The tears flowed in earnest. I snatched up my iPod, hit play, and burrowed into my blankets and pillows. I knew I was next. I just wished it was possible for me to forget.

            What seemed like only minutes later, I could hear his heavy footsteps coming up the stairway. I cranked up the volume, hoping that the sound of Knives And Pens would hide my terror. He burst into my bedroom. I cowered. “Get up!” He barked. I bit back a scream and stood. He reached over with blinding speed and grabbed my iPod. He tossed it at the wall. I thanked God that it didn’t hit it. His huge hands wrapped around my thin arms like steel bands.

            He jerked me sideways. I winced when my side thunked into the bedside table. His bearded face loomed over me. I felt his blubbery lips make contact with mine. His tongue plundered my mouth, taking but never giving. His massive body forced mine to be still. I felt him against my butt. He bit my ear. I whimpered in terror. My father pulled off my jeans and thrust his hand into my shirt.

            I could feel the already forming bruises on my hips and breasts. My face was crushed against the hard wall, causing me to bite my tongue whenever I jerked. He pressed at my knees, making them open. I felt him in me, tearing my body apart. The burning agony got worse and worse as time went on. He thrust and thrust until his disgusting body shuddered with release. I sobbed helplessly. He tossed me onto the carpet. His jeans were pulled up and zipped. He left my room with a satisfied grin on his face.

            I stood up and stumbled my way to the bathroom. I cleaned my beaten and emaciated body there. I then crawled back to my room, picked up my iPod, and lay back down. I covered my face with the pillow and cried until my throat was raw with the sound of Perfect Weapon in my ears.

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