Chapter Five: Nightmares (Makita's POV)

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    I lay on the bunk, listening to the soft snores of the boys. Ashley was curled up in the bed next to mine. He was adorable when he slept. His strong featured face softened and his mouth turned into a gentle smile. His lashes cast dark shadows on his cheekbones. I could hear the his deep breathing. It was lulling me back to sleep. CC was passed out in a position that had to be uncomfortable. One arm hung off the bed, the other was tucked into his side. One leg was bent, the other straight and at an angle. His makeup was smeared severely. I saw some eyeliner on his nose.

    Jeremey was awake. He didn't know I was. I had been startled into awareness, hearing a gasp and whimper. I had sat up swiftly, gazing alertly through the room. Jeremey had been sitting up, his right hand pressed over his face. His breathing was deep and harsh. I swore I saw the faint gleam of tears running down his cheeks. I had fought down the urge to whisper comfort to him. He had stood and stalked away to the kitchen-like area of the bus, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a beer.

    Now he was sitting at the table. His breathing was still harsh, but had slowed. He kept his head down, staring at the table with a blank, glassy look in his eyes. I saw his lips moved in the darkness. I wondered what he was saying. I remembered that when I was young and had a nightmare, I would stay awake hours, mumbling consolation to myself. Sometimes it helped. Other times, the nightmare was when I was awake. Whispering comfort to myself only made it worse.

    I quietly pushed the blanket back, lifting my legs out from under it slowly. My bare toes met the ground lightly, barely making a sound. Jeremey didn't look up. I crept forward. I was prepared for any reaction. Yelling, hitting, cussing. Jumping, yelping, knocking something over. I was used to those. I was right next to him before he noticed me. When he did, his whole body jerked and his hand went to automatically cover his face. He was trying to shield his pain, hide it from me like it was something to be ashamed of.

    "Ji-Jeremey, are you okay?" I whispered. He stared at me, his cheeks tinged pink. I blushed in the heat of his gaze. He looked...angry, but something else. Absolutely stunned. Would the others not speak to him about a nightmare? Even if he was terrified? Everyone needed comfort after bad dreams, everyone. Just because that person was a man, or old, or a soldier, doesn't mean they don't require comfort and consolation after such fear. I understood that very well.

    "Yeah, I'm fine." He grumbled gruffly. He kept his head down. Hiding his eyes. Had he been crying? Or was he starting to? He didn't seem like the type to cry, but that didn't mean much.

    "I won't tell anyone if you want to talk to me. I understand better than you know." I said softly. His eyes flew up to glare into mine. I flinched at the burning hate and fury I saw in it. His jaw was set. I could hear his teeth grinding. His longed fingered hands balled into fists.

    "Really, Makita? What do you fucking know about it? You don't know anything." I winced at his curse. I hated swears. I had heard them many times. But, I had a feeling he swore more when he was upset.

    "Jeremey, do you honestly know why I am here?" I asked, aiming my gaze at the table tops. I saw his fingers tremble. The powerful fist he had formed loosened. I looked at his face. He shook his head. "Jeremey, I am here because I have been tortured my entire life. I got a day of freedom, and I wanted it so badly. Hannah helped me get it. So I left my house. I came here and heard you play, and something clicked. I felt good for once. I spoke to Ashley and Andy. I couldn't have been happier." I swallowed. "Then he showed up. Ashley saw, Andy saw. They knew I was scared, they knew Hannah and I would get hurt. So they brought us here."

    His hand gripped mine so fast I didn't even register it's movement. I raised my eyes to gaze into his. "You're skinny." He said. I chuckled.

    "Yeah, I am skinny." I told him. He shook his head frustratedly.

    "Too skinny, it's not healthy. Were you starved?" I watched him closely. His hand was protective on mine. His jaw was clenched, but I knew his anger was not for me.

    "I was not starved exactly. I had access to food. I just knew better than to eat it."

    "He raped you." It was not a question. It was stated like a cold hard fact. And he was right.

    "I wasn't supposed to be heavy. He'd would be mad if I ate to much." It was worse than that. I had once not eaten for three days because he said I was getting fat. I was a hundred ten pounds. By the end of the week I was only a hundred. I had been so hungry I at a box of crackers. My father caught me. I was beaten and starved for almost a week. Right before I had been ready to die of starvation, he gave me food. "Let's not talk about me, Jeremey." He sighed. "I want to speak to you, about yourself."

    "You want to know why I am up?" I nodded. "I keep having these nightmares. And they just keep getting wo-orse." His voice broke on the last word. "I see people killed, raped, beaten. I can't stand to close my eyes. But tonight it was worse. I saw you going through all of that. Makita, I felt like it was all happening in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. It damn near killed me." Tears poured down his cheeks.

    I sat down in the booth next to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to press his face against my throat. I could feel his tears on my skin. I was so sad. Poor Jeremey. Being tortured with things no one should ever have to see. "You're okay, you're okay." I whispered. His sobs got slightly quieter.

    "You wouldn't have been. You were being hurt, so badly, Makita." He whimpered. I held him tight. I felt the prick of tears gathering on my lashes. One dripped down my cheek.

    "I'm fine. I'm right here." We sat like that long into the night. He eventually stopped crying, but he kept his hold on me.

    "I'll protect you from him." He whispered to me.

    "You can try." I answered.

So sorry it took me so long to update. I am considering deleting this story and beginning a new one, a sequel to Dark Moon. Tell me if you think I shouldn't. Thanks guys.

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