Chapter Eight: Want To Be Your Love (Jake's POV)

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    I lay on the couch. I was fucking exhausted. Ashley was asleep, Andy was cuddled up with Hannah, who was also asleep, and Makita was talking CC. Jeremey was with a girl. I saw Makita smile at me. She turned to CC who shrugged and walked off. She strode over to me. "You mind me joining you?" I grinned.

    "Be my guest, honey." I saw her eyes sparkle. I felt my heart rate speed up. She was gorgeous. Long dark hair framed a strong, yet somehow delicate face. Luscious lips and soft lavender eyes completed her looks. She sat down next to me. I could smell her sweet shampoo. I sat up and pulled her on my lap. "Hey Makita, do you mind if you and me have a day, just us, to hang out? I really want to hang out with you more. It seems like Ash or CC have your attention all the time." I said softly. She smiled at me warmly. She reached out and brushed her fingers through my dark hair. I shivered at the sensation.

    "Sure Jake, I'd love to. I didn't realize you felt left out. I'm sorry." She said concernedly. She looked like she felt guilty. I pulled her tightly against my chest. It felt so natural. I loved the feel of her. I grinned at her. I was already planning what we'd do. We'd go out to eat wherever she wanted, I'd play the song I was writing for her, we'd go to the beach that was near our hotel and swim. It'd be awesome. I know she'll love it, and for once there would be no jealous Ashley butting in.

    "I sorta have a plan, we can go tomorrow." She nodded, smiling. I swear my heart stopped when I saw how beautiful she looked. Right as I was about to tell her my plan, Ashley stepped out of the bedroom. He glared at me viciously. I know what he was thinking. 'He's got my girl. Got to get her back.' Stupid boy. She was my girl. Or at least, she would be soon. I spoke louder to make him angry. "So anyway, we can go to the restaurant and eat, go to the beach. Swim a little." His eyes burned. He stomped over.

    "Makita!" He barked. She jumped. I held her protectively. He flinched when he saw the slight fear he had caused. "What are you up to?" She smiled at him. I saw his face soften. He loved her to much to be angry with her. I could see CC watching closely. He was a little jealous to, I could tell. She played us like a fiddle.

    "Me and Jake are going to hang out together tomorrow." His eyes flicked to me and I could see the hatred and jealousy burning there. I glowered at him. Not just your girl, stupid bastard.

    "Just you two?" She nodded. He shoved my feet off the coffee table and sat down. He jerked Makita from my lap and onto his. She glared at him. I could see him cringing under her gaze.

    "Ashley, what's up with you tonight?"

    "What the hell do you think is up? He's trying to steal you!" CC was glaring at Ashley, his upper lip curling in disgust. Makita was scared. She hated yelling.

   "Ash, what do you mean?" She asked. Her voice shook. I could feel the fury welling up in me. I saw CC stepping up, his face murderous.

    "You are meant for me! I saved you, I brought you here! Now they're taking you from me!" Ashley screeched. Makita flinched. I snapped. I lunged past Makita, slamming my fist into Ashley's face. Makita screamed. Andy jerked awake. He knew he couldn't stop us. Plus his first priority was Hannah. He pulled her sleepy form off his lap into his arms and carried her into his own hotel room. Ashley swore and tried to hit me back. I danced out of the way. CC shoved between us and lifted Makita into his arms.

    "Asshole! You're fucking scaring her!" I roared. Ashley slammed into me, knocking me into the ground. I felt my skull smash into the table. Blood dripped down my head. Makita yelped with fear. Ashley and I fought for a long time. By the time our anger was gone, we were drenched in blood, unsure of who's it was. CC had Makita in his arms. She was shaking violently, her eyes wide with terror. He glared at us.

    "You guys are the most insensitive bastards in the world. So you're fucking jealous! I am to, but I am not going to scare her half to death, just to throw a punch." He snarled. He looked down at Makita. "Babe, are you okay?" He asked. He sounded like a different person when he was with her. He was always ready for a fight, cussed a lot more to. He sounds gentle and loving when he talks to her. Almost as much as Ashley normally does.

    "What is g-going on?" Makita asked in a tremling voice. CC gazed into her frightened eyes.

    "I just wanna be yours." She stared. He kissed her forehead. She looked at Ashley.

    "I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine." He kissed her lips.

    "I wanna be your love." I whispered. I kissed her cheek.

    We are all fucking doomed.

Good or bad people? Music suggestions for all my chaps would be greatly appreciated.

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