Special Story: A Bittersweet Birthday(16th birthday)

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Tetsuya had forgotten that it was his birthday. The surprise party that his senpai and friends held for him was pleasant. But he couldn't feel that he had forgotten something else important as his phone began to vibrate. Tetsuya silently went out to Kagami's balcony before he answered his phone.


"Happy birthday, Ototo-ya," a very soft yet gentle voice answered. "I'm sorry I had to cancel our plans for today. I was really looking forward to it."

"It's alright, Anekiko." Tetsuya said sadly. "We both know we cannot deny a request from Grandfather. Did you have a good time at the party, Tetsuko?"

"No." Tetsuko sighed heavily. Tiredness was evident in his voice. "Grandfather introduced me to the parents of another two potential marriage partners. Now it's either one or the other."

Silently reigned between them before Tetsuya heard Tetsuko's quiet cry.

"What's wrong, Anekiko?"

"Tetsuya, I can't do this anymore." Tetsuko cried, hiccuping over the phone. "I just can't bare the awful thought of having to thrust sweet Tenshi into an arranged marriage that could ruin her life if I don't decide to choose. I just can't. Tetsuya, what should I do?"

"There's two potential marriage partners, right?" Tetsuya asked.

"Hai." Tetsuko kept hiccuping. "Why?"

"Have you chosen yet?"

"No. I have until March next year. Then I will have to drop the bomb on Tenshi."

"I'll talk to Grandfather." Tetsuya promised. "I'll see what I can do."

"Sorry for ruining your birthday, Ototo-ya." Tetsuko laughed somewhat bitterly. "I'm the one suppose to make you happy, yet here you are comforting me."

"It's the job of a twin to protect his other half," reminded Tetsuya. "Happy belated birthday, Anekiko."

"Thank you, Ototo-ya." Tetsuko whispered gently. "I've forgotten about my birthday myself. Don't forget to call the triplets tomorrow, ok?"

"Hai, Anekiko." Tetsuya smiled. "Good Night."

"Good Night." Tetsuko ended the call.

Tetsuya looked up at the night sky. "Hang on, Anekiko. Don't give up." Then he slipped back inside before anyone noticed that he was gone.

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