Ch. 1: A Call Changes the Day

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February 17
Bold italic-thoughts

It was a normal day for Kuroko Tetsuya. He woke up with a messy bed hair, ate breakfast, fed and walked his dog, and put on his high school uniform. He walked the same route to Seirin. Even the teachers for his morning period classes were the same as the day before. It was all the same.

However, his normal plain day changed a whole 180 degrees at the beginning of lunch period.

A ring tone playing Beethoven's Ode to Joy came on right the moment the bell rang for lunch period. Everyone in the class turned to see whose phone it was. Kuroko turned bright red before he harshly glared at his bag.

"Excuse me, I need to take this call." He particularly informed his friend and light in basketball, Kagami Taiga. He ignored his other classmates who were surprised and wondering where he had appeared from. "Go on ahead Kagami-kun. I will join you later. But please don't expect me any time soon."

"Kay." Kagami shrugged before he dived into his food.

Kuroko grabbed his phone and quickly left to go find an empty hallway or classroom. His phone kept you playing Ode to Joy. He sighed as he answered his phone. "Hello?"

"Ah, you've finally answer." A soft, feminine voice replied. "I was wondering when you were going to pick up."

"The ring tone came rang the moment the lunch bell went off. LOUDLY." Kuroko bluntly said. "And not a second too soon. What do you need?"

"What do you mean? Can I not check on own brother?"

"Please do not play mind games with me. Please give the phone back to its owner. It is not nice to steal things. Not especially the belongings of the captain."

"You got me, 'Tsuya-chan," the girl on the phone giggled immensely. She went back to her normal voice. "Cap'n needs to loosen up sometimes. Well, the Cap'n's here. Got laps to run. The Cap'n is really flaming mad. Bye-bye ''Tsuya!"

Kuroko sighed as he heard the phone on the other side transferred to another person.

"Sorry about that Tetsuya," the new voice apologized. "I was going to call you later, but somehow she got hold of my cellphone. How are your grades?"

Kuroko gulped. "They're normal, Captain."

"Tetsuya," the Captain said in a warning tone, "do not give me that kind of answer. I remember that you mentioned that you wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. A 'D' or an 'F' won't get you there. I want ALL of your grades up by the end of next month. Do you understand?"

Kuroko could only quietly nod his head.

"Good. Now, as I was saying..." The Captain talked to Kuroko for several minutes. What was told to him shocked him to his core.

"And one last thing. Expect someone to stop by later."

Kuroko silently returned to his class.


A basketball hit Kuroko right in the face.

"What is up with you!" Aida Riko,the coach of Seirin, yelled as she head locked him.

"Riko, you might want to release him," Seirin's basketball captain said. "He is literally turning blue.

"Oopsies." Aida let Kuroko go. Kuroko silently gasped for the air he desperately needed.

"Now you are going to tell us what is on your mind," Aida told Kuroko. "It is clearly visible on your face that something is bothering you."

Kuroko shook his head. "You will not understand. Not especially if THAT person comes here."

"Wait-wait." Koganei Shinji put his hand up. "You have a visitor coming?"


The team burst into a storm of questions.

"When is your visitor coming?" asked one.

"Soon." Kuroko replied.

"How soon?" another questioned.



"Hai, today."

"Is it a girl or a boy?" The question hunger in the air.

Kuroko blankly stared at his teammates. "We're they just after the gender?"

"One or another." he replied after a minute. Everyone else sweat dropped.

"What time is your guest coming?" Hyuuga asked.

"I am not sure if I even want to know." Kuroko sighed bluntly.

"Why is that?" Aida twitched.

"The person coming loves to do tricks." He dead panned. "I personally do not wish to greet them. However I must endure them for my vanilla milkshake's sake."

"If you don't like them, then why did you invite the person to come, baka," Kagami said.

"I didn't. I have no choice in the matter. It is too late to stop them from coming." Kuroko replied. He turned and face Aida. "Coach, there is no further information to be gained from me. Could we use this time to train instead of interrogating?"

"Of course. Let's use the valuable time that could make you guys stronger."Aida's aura turned fiery red made all the basketball players' spine shiver. "Run 100 laps around the school grounds. Go!"

Everyone did not want to face the wrath of Aida. They all went out the gym and started to run around Seirin's school grounds. Aida went out after them to make sure they ran all the laps she made them do.

No one noticed that a shadow slipped into a building.

Kuroko and His Siblings: Athletic Royals [1rst version]Where stories live. Discover now