Ch. 11: Quick Trip to Shinju Library* revised version

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April 15

Asuretikku Roiyaruzu. Those two words have been on Aida Riko's mind ever since she have met Tetsuya's eccentric sister Tenri who was really mature for her age. It was driving her crazy to the point that she was constantly sighing.

"What's wrong, Riko?" Kiyoshi Teppei, who returned from the U.S.  for his knee surgery as a manager for Seirin, asked.

"I've been searching 'Asuretikku Roiyaruzu,'" Aida answered. "It's been two months, but I couldn't thing anything about it."

"Asuretikku Roiyaruzu?" Kiyoshi made a face. "Why don't you ask your dad about it?"

"I did, but he laughed." Aida sighed. "He said that I don't need any help and that I just should figure it out on my own. I've looked at all the basketball magazines my dad subscribed to in the last five years on major basketball tournaments, but the magazines have no mention of them. I've even looked on the internet, but there was no information to be found!"

"Why don't you asked Momoi-san to help you?" Hyuuga spoked up, who was fixing one of his models that Aida accidently broke.

"No!" Aida yelled out so loudly that every student in their classroom stopped what they are doing and faced her. Aida turned red in embarrassment.

"Sorry, there's nothing to see here!" Kiyoshi smilied. All the other students just shrugged and went back to what they are doing. Kiyoshi turned to Aida.

"Riko, why not do what Hyuuga suggested? I'm sure that with both yours and Momoi-san's abilities combined you would be able to find the information that you are looking for!"

"B-but she's an F-" Aida started to say, but was soon interrupted.

"Coach, I have a call for you," Tetsuya appeared out of no where. Aida and Hyuuga screamed. Kiyoshi blinked. The rest of the third year students in the classroom looked at them in annoyance.

"When did you get here?!" Aida held Tetsuya in a head lock.

"Riko, Kuroko is turning darker than his hair color," Kiyoshi attempted to pacify Aida. It worked, as Aida immediately let go of Tetsuya.

When Tetsuya regained his breath, he shoved his phone towards his coach.

"Momoi-san called me asking for you. Please return my phone when you are done with it." Tetsuya quickly bowed before running out of the room.

"Why was he in a hurry?" Kiyoshi questioned.

"Don't know." Hyuuga shrugged before gluing one last piece to his model. "Riko, answer the phone."

Aida rolled her eyes. "Moshi-moshi?"

"B-chan!" a feminine voice cried partially happily and partially distressed from the phone. "Tetsuya-kun is so mean handing over the phone like it was nothing! He wouldn't help me find some information about a group called Asuretikku Roiyaruzu. Usually he would-"

"Wait- you're also looking for information on the Asuretikku Roiyaruzu also, Momoi-san?!" Aida yelled.

"Hai. Hai." Momoi said cheerfully. "Our coach told me to look for stats on them. So far I found nothing. I thought that asking Tetsuya-kun would help, but he wouldn't. So I thought of the next best thing, you. I bet with my skill data gathering and your so-called-impressive data scan eye ability, we would find some information on them!"

"Ok." Aida replied. "My dad said we could find something on them at Shinju Library* in the sports section. Let's meet on Saturday afternoon at 2 at Te main entrance?"

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