Ch. 4: Practice Game with Shutoku?! Part 1

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March 3

It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Tetsuya had received a call from his "Captain." Two weeks ever since Kuroko Tora had visited Seirin. Two weeks since Aida made her team train like crazy. And two weeks since-

"Kuroko!" Aida pulled the poor boy into a head lock. "Why hasn't the wood polish worn off yet?!"

-And yes. Two weeks since Seirin's indoor basketball court had been polished by Tora when she was on her pranking spree.

"Riko, let him breath." Hyuuga sweat dropped. De ja vu, anyone?

"Tora came by yesterday when everyone left after practice," Tetsuya replied bluntly. "She only managed to polish the court before I caught her and sent her back home. Be thankful it wasn't anything else."

"And why is that?" Hyuuga acquired.

"She is a prankster." Tetsuya stressed. "Tora will literally fill an entire company building with her pranks. Polishing floor just happens to be the most harmless one. Something must have happen for her to repolish our court."

"But why does she have to do it here?"

"I believe it's because we don't polish our floors well enough," replied the shadow. Then a phone rang throughout the gym, playing Canon D. "Excuse me, I have to take this call."

Tetsuya walked out with his phone in his hand.

"What are we going to do with him?!" Aida cried. "I don't need players with broken arms or twisted ankles!"

"Calm down, Riko," Kiyoshi Teppei patted her shoulder. "Sometimes people have to have days for them to be weird!"

Ten minutes later, Tetsuya walked back in the gym with an extremely emotionless face on.

"Coach, did you arranged a practice game for today?" he asked.

Aida blinked before she scrunched her face. "No. I don't think so. Otherwise I would have told you guys."

Kuroko sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Well, apparently you did. A week ago. With Shutoku."

"Oh. I think I do remember receiving a phone call from them. A manager, perhaps."

Tetsuya sighed even deeper and harsher than before. "Coach, you might as well just thank Tora for polishing the basketball court herself. The call I received was to signal their arrival time."

"Midorima called you?!" Seirin yelled in shock.

"No, he did not." Tetsuya said irritatedly. "You might as well find out later. They're arriving in ten minutes."

True to Tetsuya's words, Shutoku arrived at Seirin's gym in ten minutes.

"Oi!" A dark-haired, hyperactive boy yelled. "We're here! Shin-chan is itching to throw some shoots!" He was followed by five other students and their coach.

"Takao, do us a favor and shut up." said green haired male that was dragging a rather big statue of a raccoon behind him in a wagon.

"Takao-kun, do as Midorima-kun says. Midorima-kun, please leave your ridiculous belongings outside."

"Ghost!" Everyone around Tetsuya shouted. "A real ghost!"

"I'm no ghost." the voice sounded dead panned. "It just so happens that I am standing behind this poor excuse of a statue in the shape of a raccoon that is blocking the doorway for no good reason."

"Move your wagon," Shutoku coach told Midorima. "Kuroko's still outside."

"But Kuroko's still here." murmured one of Seirin's freshman.

"We don't mean your Kuroko," a member of Shutoku's basketball club said. "We mean ours, Kuro-"A crash cut him off.

"My lucky item!" Midorima cried over his broken statue.

"It is very impolite to leave a defenseless girl outside in a very cold weather," a girl visibly taller than Aida came out of nowhere. Her long navy blue hair flew behind her. Her purple eyes glowed with maturity. Her soft pink lips was in a very thin line. However, her aura had taken a very cold turn that made everyone including Shutoku's coach shiver. "Please do not block my way again. I do not know what will happen."

"Where did you come from?" Seirin (except Tetsuya) yelled.

"Outside." The girl stated like it was a fact. "Can we get the practice game done already? I still have some homework left to do. Where's the visitors' locker rooms?"

Aida straightened up. "Follow me," she said. "I'll direct you to it."

"Ah, thank you." The girl nodded. She turned to her team. "Do not make me mad. Follow her to the locker room and change. Coach Masaaki, I will be there once I get Midorima back up."

"Ok." The coach of Shutoku nodded his head.

The girl's pale pink lips suddenly turned into a wicked, wolffish smirk. She walked over to Midorima and tossed him over her right shoulder like he weighed nothing.

"Let's go, Midorima-kun," she said. "No time to dilly dally. It's time to change and play a game of basketball. There is no spare time to sulk over your broken toy." Then she left the crowd.

"What just happened?" Seirin wondered.

"The strength of a female Kuroko." Tetsuya answered everyone's thoughts. "You don't want to cross against this one. Especially in a match of basketball or karate."

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