Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (5)

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When it was time to go to bed I tried to stretch the time as much as I could.

I did all my homework, brushed my teeth three times, took a bath and cleaned up my room, which was a real task considering I never did.

I didn't want to sleep. As much as I needed it, I really really couldn't go to sleep.

Baron scared me that much!

Even if I was a school day tomorrow I could stay up all night. My parents slept in a room downstairs because my dad had to get up in the middle of the night to start the sprinklers so they wouldn't notice if I let my light open all night which I did sometime when I was too caught up in a book.

But tonight I wasn't caught up in a book and last night I had only slept three hours. And my eyes kept closing against my will.

But I had to stay up. I had to!

I took Tuck Everlasting, one of the first books I read and loved and started to read it.

My eyes closed one second too long when the man in the yellow suit died but I straighten myself and went to the bathroom, splashing cold water in my face.

Where were Matt's violent video games when I needed them!!!?

Finally, I saw the sun rise and knew I wouldn't fall asleep tonight.

I put on my old faded jeans and my pink loose V neck t-shirt and headed to my green house on my tiptoes, careful to not wake up my parents. It was 5 in the morning after all.

A smile appeared on my lips when I smelled the sweet scent of my lilies. I was hit with joy when I saw all the new buds on my rose bush. I marvelled over the perfection that was my orchids.

For some reason it felt like my flowers were happy to see me too, but maybe that's just the weird part of me that's speaking...

But my flowers were definitely the most beautiful. And my parents always said that every time I was in charge of a certain group of flower, they always grew faster and fuller. Our flowers were the best in town!

I started to water them, and clean them, taking away their dead leaves and faded flowers, humming them songs.

I noticed that my rose vines were getting too big for the space Matt had built for them... I would tell him about that later.

When I was all done I started to walk around my flowers, touching the leaves and the buds and the petals and it felt like they were all trying to follow me...

Ya, I really needed to sleep...

And then I heard my parents getting up, starting the coffee machine. My parents, they run on caffeine, I, on the other hand can't stand the taste. It's too bitter, not sweet enough for my tastes buds.

"Hey sweetie you're already up?" my mom said leaning against the door of my green house.

I turned around and smiled at her.

"Oh my..." she gasped "Sweetie, you look dead tired? Didn't you sleep at all last night?"

"I couldn't..." I whispered scared, thinking about Baron.

It felt like my flowers were slowly closing up on themselves, shying away...

God, I really need to sleep...

"Maybe you should stay home today and get some sleep" my mom said.

"No!" I answered automatically.

"Jasmine you aren't being reasonable. You look like you're about to pass out anytime!" my mom replied.

"I'm going to school...And I'm NOT sleeping." I answered dryly and walked to the kitchen.

I fixed myself a quick breakfast and ate it. Then I lay down on the couch and waited for Matt.

"Peter's leaving tomorrow. He's driving to his brother's house earlier to get their things ready..." I heard my father say to my mother.

"I'll have to get the guest room ready then..." my mother answered.

Well, that meant Matt was going to stay over tomorrow. I smiled at that. But then I thought about something.

The guest room was right beside mine.

Would it be awkward?

I couldn't help the mental vision I had of me sneaking in the room and going to kiss him.

"Aw SHIT!" I wined on the couch and grabbed a cushion to hide my face.

"Language Jasmine!" my mom said at the same time my dad said "What's wrong sweetie?"

Like I was going to answer that!

My parents both stared at me, waiting for an answer but I heard the sound of Matt's car motor.

"Bye! Love you guys!" I yelled and ran out of the house.

When I stepped in Matt's car he frowned at me.

"What?" I asked my voice raising.

My patience was really thin today.

"You look like hell Jass" Matt answered and started to drive.

"Bite me!" I answered and sulked in my seat.

"You should have been able to sleep tonight... I slept fine..." Matt said almost to himself

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"I don't know... Sometimes it just feel s like we're just connected, you know like linked spirit..." Matt trailed off.

If only he knew how much we were linked...

"Couldn't you sleep at all last night?" Matt asked me his voice questionning.

"I didn't want to alright!" I answered and turned my eyes away from his.

"What's wrong Jass?"

I wanted to answered "I don't want to talk about it" but I knew he would be mad if I answered that.

"I'm scared..." I whispered.

"Of what?"

We arrived at school just then and I simply got out of the car and walked towards the school.

But I felt dizzy. Everything was spinning around me. I tried to keep my walking straight but everything felt blurry.

God, I really need to sleep.

"Jass!" Matt yelled behind me but I didn't turned around.

"Jasmine Elizabeth Roberts!" Matt yelled again while running and stopped right in front of me.

"You're not going to school like that!" he simply told me.

"Watch me!" I answered and walked around him but he caught my wrist.

"Jass, would you stop behind so stubborn! Just let me take you back home" Matt said his eyes pleading.

"No!" I answered and left him there.

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now