Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (17)

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Well enjoy this.. next chapters are going to be quite interresting.. mouhahaha

Sorry for the wait, I'm a bad bad girl! ;P

Read, enjoy vote and comment! :P

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When I opened my eyes I had expected to find myself still on the floor in the training room, or maybe even in the room I had woken up not such a while ago...

How could have things changed so drastically so fast?

But when I opened my eyes, I found myself in my greenhouse.

My greenhouse...

I was almost expecting to see my mother or my father...

But I would never see them again...

I bit my lips to stop the sob.

I expected to see Matt too...


Where was he? Was he alright? Was he...

I couldn't even think the word.

As I fought against the tears that were building up in my eyes I caught movement, on the other side of my climbing rosebush the ones Matt always set straight again and pricked himself on the thorns in the process.

I walked around them and then I saw him.


Sitting on one of the iron chair.

Looking pretty lost.

That made the two of us.

And then something in me told me what I had to do next.

"Hello Baron..." I said my voice emotionless.

Baron took a deep breath "Hello Jasmine"

The next words, the next words I almost spit them through my teeth "I could kill you right now, you know. I remembered, I had bruise because of you, I can hurt you here!"

"Yes you could, the mind is a powerful tool... but you won't Jasmine, because that's not who you are..." Baron answered me, looking peaceful and at ease.

"Because you think you know who I am??!! Because you think invading my dreams for seventeen years made you know me? Because you think that being half of the monstrosity you are makes you understand me? You don't KNOW me!!" I hissed, glaring at him.

My parents did, my parents knew me... and now they were dead...

"Not because of me..." Baron whispered.


"They aren't dead because of me, they died because-" he started to say but then stopped abruptly like something got stocked in his throat and circled it with his hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly taking a step forward.

I knew I shouldn't care whether he was chocking on his saliva or just unable to do the simple task of speaking, but for I cared, of course I cared. I wasn't a mean person. I liked to believe that. And even though I was furious and desperate right now, Baron was right... I couldn't hurt him. I would like to be able to though. I would have liked right now to be able to strangle him and slaughter everyone on the island I was. But my entire being shied away from such acts. I wasn't a violent person. But for some reason it felt like I should become so...

"You have ties in here... I..." he chocked again "This is your setting Jasmine, your mind, not mine... I don't have control, you do, and well... Basil obviously does too..." he said in a really faint voice, like it was one of the hardest things he had to do "Guess you really wanted to see me..."

I glared at him "To kill you, yes I wanted to see you!"

But then he answered to me in a rushed "Don't you get anything? Didn't you... don't you understand how the Immortals work by now? Haven't you understood what's going on?"

Did I understand what was going on?

What an idiotic question to ask?

I knew absolutely nothing, nothing but the fact that my parents were dead, and had been perfectly happy and good before he had attacked me and screwed everything up!

And for what? Because I hadn't slept and talked with him?

What the hell was WRONG with him?

"You really don't understand anything do you..." he whispered again.

"How could I?" I spat.

"That's true... I never explained... I should have had... But right now, here, I can't. But there are a lot of things you need to know Jasmine, but more importantly you have to leave!"

I frowned "Leave?"

I wanted to answers right now, right now, the answers felt more important than leaving.

"Trust me you wouldn't want to know the answers... but now I think it's useless to keep them away from you. You need to know about the Life Force... you need to know about your father Jasmine..." he whispered but then feel on the ground clutching his head...

The way my parents had the last time I had seen them...

Anger and despair boiled in my veins.

And my eyes widen and I rushed over to him "What's wrong Baron?"

"I can't..." he mumbled and then winced "You need to leave this place Jasmine! Anyway you can! Follow Garret and Dimathrias if you still want your answers but please leave!"

"Who?" I asked, gripping his shoulders, grouching beside him while he lay on the floor of my greenhouse.

"My friends... the ones that got to escape... I can feel them now... they'll explain everything! But now, now you need to wake up, and leave!"

"And what makes you think I CAN leave?" I asked incredulous.

Hadn't I been begging for that ever since I had gotten here? They never granted me that wish, they weren't about to now!

"Didn't you hear? I can feel them! And with what you just did, trust me, you can get out!"

I frowned at him.

What I just did?

And then my eyes widen even more...

Before I collapsed...

The green energy... the trees... things shattering...

I backed up away from him.

What had I done?

And feel them? Them? The slaughterers of Immortals? That was THEM?

But before I could ask myself or Baron more questions, I heard "Wake up Jasmine"

The voice was cold and emotionless and felt like miles away... but nevertheless I could recognize that voice anywhere.

And then I completely stopped thinking about Baron lying on the floor in my dream, in pain and with what felt like a gasp, woke up, and opened my eyes, greeted by golden ones.

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now