Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (22)

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Well ya I made you guys wait a while again... sorry... :S

Anyway, I'll try not making you guys wait that long again because I'd like to finish this story soon and I know I could do it so... I'll be working on that!

Oh also question! What would you put as a category for this story? Because I mean fantasy is for the fairy snitzel right? And I mean this ain't fairies... but it's not really teen either... I mean sure it's teeny, sort of, but there's the whole super power crap there... so anyway, where would you class it? lol

Anyway! Enjoy this, not the longest but it a step closer to the end...

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I was woken up by the steady rhythm of footsteps and the light sound of water flowing.

When I opened my eyes all I could see was grey stalactites and rocky top, lighten by an orange light.

And when I turned my head slightly I saw Matt's face. He was holding me in his arms, carrying me through... caves? This could only be it...

"Where are we?" I whispered, as low as I could.

Dimathrias kept looking forward and not down towards me "On our way to Stonehenge"

I kept myself from snorting "Sorry to rain on your parade but I think Stonehenge is in... you know, a valley"

"The one humans see yes. The real one, the center for the Hinges is underground" he simply answered.

This was awkward, me in his arms like this. If it had been the old Matt I would have accepted it but this was someone else completely...

"Put me down please"

"No. We're gaining time by not letting you walk. We know the trail. You'd end up tripping and hurting yourself"

"I don't like being carried around, I can take care of myself" I complained, trying to make my voice convincing, trying to show a strong face.

"Jass, for one thing I know exactly what you are thinking. And I know you're tired. I don't know if you've realized by now but we're kind of in a hurry. The second Basil wakes up he'll find himself an Immortal that can teleport him; he'll be waiting at Stonehenge asking for an audience. And we have to go see the Hinges to tell them what we know and figure out what we do. Before he arrives. So no I'm not going to put you down and have you stop and trip every two seconds."

I glared at him.

What a prick! He was reading into my mind and now pretty much telling me I couldn't walk straight or take care of myself!

And right now in his arms I could actually feel him LAUGHING!

"You PRICK!" I thought as loud as I could.

When I looked at Dimathrias' face I could clearly see he was holding a laugh. This was beyond confusing, really.

"Let's stop for a minute. Garret needs to look around to see if there's still an exit way in the south channel" Baron's voice rang in front of us. "And I need to go gaseous for a second to see if there isn't any Spirit around that will stop you two because you are in your material form"

I hadn't seen the two other men in front but they were the ones caring the torches that were illuminating the dark caverns with a dancing orange glow, making scary shadows against the rock.

"Alright" Dimathrias agreed and set me down on the ground and I happily made a face at him.

"I'll be right back" Garret announced, setting his torch between two rocks, keeping it up and still flaming and then did the bursting thing again and flew away as a true Spirit.

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now