Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (8)

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Well, I hope this clears out a few things for you guys...:P

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All the way to school Aston had the most annoying grin plastered on his face.

"You know your cheeks might tear if you keep grinning like that" I told him.

"Hey what do you want me to say? I'm glad I finally got you in my car..." he answered me with an evil smirk.

Oh my god, this was a bad idea...

As I looked at Aston sideway I don't know why but his grey eyes were getting bluer, his brown hair darker and a little longer, his features were getting nicer, changing into a face I feared... I blinked my eyes a few times to chase the awake nightmare away.

When we got to school I stumbled out of the car and dragged my feet to the school.

"JASS!!!!" I heard someone yell behind me.


"Jass!!! What did I tell you!!?" he said while running towards me.

"I'm not sleeping alright! I can do whatever I want to do!! You're not my dad!! You can't order me around!!" I yelled at him but I was so tired that it barely got out as a whisper.

"I'm taking you home!!" Matt said and then he scooped me in his arms and carried me to his car.

I was too tired to fight against him.

Matt drove faster than he usually did, and kept silent all the way.

When we got home, my parents car wasn't in the driveway, they had probably gone to buy some things for our flowers, and now I was left alone with a furious Matt.

"You're being unreasonable Jass. You can't keep on going like this!!" Matt told me, while caring me inside the house.

"But I'm scared... I don't know what he'll do..." I whispered against his chest.

"He'll...?" Matt asked me, stopping dead in his track.

"The nightmare..." I whispered.

"You know what! I'm going to stay here while you sleep and I'm going to watch over you and if you look like you're having a nightmare I'll wake you up... I'll keep the nightmares away..." Matt whispered against my hair.

"Alright" I answered and snuggled on his chest.

Matt would make everything alright; he always did after all...

The last thing I remember, Matt was tucking me in my bed and then everything became black...

I open my eyes and I was in Baron's meadow. But the flower looked darker, their petals almost fading.

I sat up quickly and looked around me confused.

What's going on...?

And then I saw him, appear from far away, walking in a slow pace, every step graceful, an evil smile on his gorgeous lips.

I swallowed loudly, bracing myself for the worst.

Baron sat in front of me, always looking in my eyes.

"Hello Jasmine" he said his voice low and dangerous.

"Hello Baron..." I whispered.

And then the second I said those words it felt like there was an explosion beside me.

All the flowers burst into flames and Baron tackled me on the ground, his eyes angrier than I could have ever imagined.

"Why haven't you been sleeping Jasmine?" he murmured in my ears, but I couldn't make sense of what he was saying because I could feel the pain the flowers felt.

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now