Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (14)

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Alright guys, new chapter!! Hope you'll like it...

And I know we all miss Matt! And don't worry I haven't forgotten about him, not one second!! :P The next chapter could be is POV if you'd like that... or we keep on to were I'm finishing this chapter.. you guys decide :P

So anyway, read, enjoy and comment.. Oh and ya.. I'm just saying sorry before you read this.. just a heads up so you won't kill me when you're done reading...

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As I walked in the corridor, crying, I couldn't help but think about how wrong all of this was.

I wanted to go back in time. I'd give anything to just go back...

Why did I have to be what I was?

I shouldn't have wanted to know what I was. It was completely useless and stupid, now that I knew, because being what I was; it meant I couldn't be with the ones I cared anymore...

I didn't want to be here! I didn't belong here!!

"Why the tears child?" Basil asked me, in a low voice.

"I don't want to be here. I wanna go home" I whispered.

"But you are home now, my child. Just wait. You'll meet everyone and you will see how right this place is for you" Basil said confidently, but I doubted anything could make me feel more at home then my big yard covered with flower, and my greenhouse, and Matt's car, and my shelf filled with my books, and my parents complaining about the flowers and all of the other things that made home, home.

We kept walking in the white empty halls, and crossed a great arch opening on a big round room.

The second we passed in front of that arch, I saw the majestic throne opposite to the arch. Everything was in marble. There were seats all around, great white columns behind, and right in the middle, there was something that actually looked like an altar.

And then for some reason a scene rolled in my head, a scene where a man sat in the throne, the seats all around were filled with people, one of them was my mother, and then in the center there was a girl, a young girl, begging for her life, crying, in a white dress that was basically a rectangle of fabric. But the man in the throne wasn't even listening to her, not even when she crumpled to the ground, and clutched her hands to her head. And something seemed to split from her, like a shadow, almost like her soul was being separated from her...

It took less than a second for me to see this, and the images left as fast as they had came, but they still left me breathless.

What were they?

What did these images meant?

Were they real??

"What's the matter child?" Basil said, and his voice seemed to be getting a little impatient.

Of course, mister was getting impatient now, because it always seemed I was having problems right? But what did he expect from the girl he had practically kidnapped?

I had never agreed to come here. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be home. I wanted to be has far away as I could from all of this... this confusing mess that their world seemed to hold.

I wanted to forget everything about Immortals and Spirits. I wanted to be in my greenhouse, surrounded by all my flowers, a book in my hands. I wanted Matt to walk in, and come and kiss my forehead.

"What's THAT room for!?" I said, my voice bitter, pointing to the arch.

"It's the throne room, it's were we hold all the council meetings and trials. Why? Is there a problem with that room?" Basil said, his eyes boring into mine, the pale blue of them icing me to the very dept of my being.

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now