Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (15) [Baron's POV]

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Alright, so I know you love me now ;P

So after your comments, I decided to give the people what they want; a chapter soon, and in Baron's POV. Okay so it's short, because well, I don't want you guys to know EVERYTHING just yet but you're getting a lot of info so I hope you're happy ;P

So enjoy this, vote and comment!!! :)

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I paced back and forth, in my cell, my fist clenching and unclenching.

Oddly, I wanted to punch something right now.

Such a human feeling! Why would a Spirit want to punch something when he didn't have a fist?

"She's never going to get out of here now..." I mumbled mad.

Basil would put her under his spell, and she would follow his order just like every one of them, like a stupid puppet!

Her Spirit half would have been enough to stop Basil's hold, but she didn't know how to use it!!

Why hadn't I explained everything to her sooner? Why? If I had, things wouldn't be screwed up right now!

I had been so stupid, thinking that she was safe, that they wouldn't go looking for her, that making them forgetting about her would prevent them from ever knowing she existed! I should have known at one point she would contact them all!!

And all of this for what? Because I was mad at her for not sleeping and ignoring me! Because she rather be with her stupid human friend!

By gods, I despised that Matt!

But I shouldn't have reacted like that! Why did I lose my temper like that? I never ever did that before.

Think, rationalise everything. That's what I always did. That's what Spirit always did!

Must be the fix form...

But still... She was the only think keeping me sane in this mud hole. If it hadn't been for the dreams, I would've probably end up like the two morons in the other cells...

But she'd rather be with that Matt!!

And against my will, my fist punched the wall, but then took its gaseous form, my hand and arm becoming like vapour, hitting the wall.

I closed my eyes and just like that, took my Spirit form again.

The release was instantaneous. It's was like all my muscles had been clenched all this time and now I was finally resting.

And my mind was less blurry, more rational, less emotional.

I searched the minds around, trying to find Jasmine but then I felt Camellia.

She was in a hurry. She was frightened.

But she was in control.

Seconds later she was in the dungeon.

"How could you!?!" she yelled standing in front of my cell.

"How could have I known..." I said in her head.

"We trusted you!! You told me! You told me you had put her in a safe place!! You told me they would never found her!! You said they didn't remember!! You said they'd never know!! You promised me!! You promised Aaron!" she yelled, tears escaping her eyes.

I stayed stone to her shouting.

Getting all worked up wouldn't help anyone here.

"I did what I could for your family Camellia, but I never controlled her actions. You know I don't do that. I don't like to control people. Free will. That, I follow. You're the one that didn't want her to know anything about our worlds." I said emotionlessly in her mind.

"How can you say that!?! You would've wanted me to bring her into THIS??" she said and tapped her head "You wanted her to have to endure this!?!"

"No! I wanted you and Aaron to fight! I wanted you to stand firm and never give up! I didn't want this, any of this! I NEVER wanted any of this! And you have no right to judge what I did! I sacrificed everything for your daughter! I let them catch me so they would leave her alone! I put all the Life Force I could to make them forget!" I told her, my voice filled with venom.

And then I could feel Basil's pull coming, Basil strings for his puppet tangle into Camellia's mind slowly.

"Please save her again... Please..." Camellia whispered and then her eyes closed and reopened abruptly and she started to scream.

"Oh my god!!! WHAT IS THAT!!!" she started to shriek and clutched her head.

"Shhh, it's alright my child, it's alright" Basil said, walking towards her.

"It's one of those filthy Spirits, isn't it!?! God take me AWAY from that!!! It's AWFUL!!!" she shouted, her face holding the most frightened expression I had seen in a while.

"It's fine, calm down my child, let's get you back to your room now" Basil whispered and then they were out the door.

And I wanted to scream...

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now