Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (23)

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We walked for what seems like days in the cold caverns, everyone walking in silence.

Matt wasn’t talking to me, I wasn’t talking to him, Garret had all his attention on the flaming torch he kept twirling so he didn’t pay attention to us and Baron looked like he had some kind of headache so he wasn’t talkative either.

The silence was unsettling…

Baron had been able to announce our visit when he had left after the little bursting into gas trick of his. I didn’t fully understand how it worked, the announcing thing, but it sounded like a good thing for Dimathrias and Garret so I guessed it was.

I kept thinking back about the conversations I had with both Dimathrias and Baron.

What should I do now? Try to act like everything was normal with Matt? Or try to at least accept it? He had told me he was still Matt and it was true that few things he had done or said proved that, my Matt was still there… And acting the way I was wasn’t something I would have done to my best friend. I would have supported him no matter what. And that’s what I should be doing now. But it was still hard when you weren’t sure if the person in front of you was still the person you once knew…

It didn’t really feel like Matt anymore but maybe if I tried to be more understanding, maybe I could still feel it…

Matt had always been there for me… I had to be there for him too…

“When we get to the Hinges you have to know a few things,” Baron started to say, stopping my thinking process, “For one thing they will be able to have access to everything in you brain; memories, feelings, apprehension, everything. And you have to let them. They are not here to judge so don’t throw a hissy fit and try to block them out of your brain. It’s useless and it will make us lose time.” He turned his face to look at me, probably making sure I understood what he was saying and nodded once for his benefit, “Once they do that we will meet in the chamber. They will be all in their immaterial form so try not to freak.” Hmm lovely, “And they don’t speak out loud. They will be talking in your head. All of them together in perfect harmony. It will be unsettling but they’ll understand that. Again, they won’t judge, we are only here to keep balance you know.”

“And what exactly are we doing here? Asking permission to kill Basil?” I asked.

Baron didn’t answer right away but kept walking for a few seconds, “Mainly yes. Last time we tried to stop Basil we did it of our own accord and it didn’t end well, this time we’re going to do things the right way, consult and then act. Whatever Basil is planning it can’t be good, and his killing threatens the balance, therefore the other Spirits will have to agree with us.”

I didn’t like this, any of this.

“But can’t we solve the problem another way? Maybe put him in one of his glass prison or something? Do we need to kill him?” My voice was trembling when I asked that. Whatever Basil had done… I couldn’t… kill someone?

Baron’s tone was finale, “He needs to die Jasmine; he deserves to die.”

Me, The First Half Immortal Half SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now